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Its A New Life For Me

Life & Events > House of Cards

House of Cards

Do you remember building houses out of cards? I used to build them all of the time to pass the time. I just realized my children have never built a house out of cards! Appalling,I know. Just another thing I need to do with my kids! The way we pass our time now is so different than when I was a child. I have been thinking about how much my life is like a house built out of cards. The foundation is so important and without it your house will fall. I realized I am not dealing with a full deck of cards. I have a few of the basic foundations of my house. I have love, food, clothing,support. What I am missing is a firmer foundation. A house will not stand on four cards, it will cave and that is what my life is doing.

Over the years I added a few floors to my house of cards. Education, college experience, poor choices and children. Unfortunately, my foundation wasn't strong enough to hold it. I am missing a few cards: The decision making card, consequence card and a logic card, just to name a few. Imagine how strong my house would have been with just 3 more cards. Realizing what cards I am missing from my deck is helping me in rebuilding my house and helping me in teaching my children the importance of a good foundation. I know I won't be perfect in giving my children a full deck of cards, anymore than my parents gave me all the cards I needed to build a strong foundation. Knowledge is power though and I am learning more everyday and hope to add a few more cards to my "house of card."

posted on Mar 9, 2008 8:07 PM ()


Knowledge IS power...and think of it this way...maybe it's not that your house of cards wasn't built firmly enough. Maybe it needed to fall so that you could start building a mansion.
comment by janetk on Mar 10, 2008 8:22 AM ()

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