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Its A New Life For Me

Life & Events > Relationships > Heart to Heart!

Heart to Heart!

I love my kids so much! A little back up before I start. Remember speedo man? I don't remember if I blogged about this or not but one night he dropped by some massage cream and I offered him a bowl of stew. He stayed we chatted and my daughter was a bit concerned. Not much was said to me but she did tell her Dad. Dad told me and now... jump forward to today. Christopher ended up falling asleep on my floor Sat. night and Haley came home at midnight from her slumber party because she had a stomach ache. "mom, why is Chris sleeping on our floor?" I love the honesty from her. I explained to her that he was tired and I couldn't wake him up so there he slept. She was worried. I asked her what about and she told me! I loved that she came to me and asked. I feel like I have opened up lines of communication with my kids so they feel comfortable coming to me. I love it! It was so nice to explain to her that he is just a friend (and mean it!) and that I would let anyone sleep on our floor. I have always had an open door policy. She brought up speedo man again and wondered why I invited someone so soon to have dinner with us. Again that boundary thing I don't think about. I told her I was sorry and that as far as I was concerned it wasn't any different than offering dinner to any of my friends. I had just fed Christopher too so it was funny. I realized again how much my daughter and son can teach me! Anyway, I told her that I wouldn't do it again if it bothered her or if she felt unsafe. She said she was fine with it but wanted to make sure they were not replacing her Daddy! It was so sweet and she is so protective of her Daddy! I love it. I told her no man will ever replace her Daddy because he is too special. We had a great heart to heart and she is ok with me having "guy" friends. The funny thing is, she isn't scared of or feel unsafe with Speedo man, she just thinks he's really "weired." I love that girl! I also learned that to some it looks bad that I have guy friends. We are learning things every day. I also learned that she is worried that since Dad is gone that she won't be taken care of. I guess she was under the impression that Dad would take care of her and since Dad was gone that now no one would take care of her. It amazed me what dots are connected or what assumptions are made in our minds. More heart to heart and now she knows that I will take care of her and that we don't need a man to be safe. Next step... a mother daughter self defense class! My poor little girl takes on so much responsibility. I'm seeing the pressure my husband put on himself now too! All this discovery at 1:00 am. Early to bed for us!

posted on June 1, 2008 5:54 PM ()


Very cool that you two can talk so freely.
comment by cashew on June 1, 2008 6:09 PM ()

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