Hi friends of Martin,
I am a friend of Martin's and I'm taking care of his birds while he's recovering.
I was supposed to get a phone call about him today, but didn't. I was quite worried so I phoned the hospital a few hours ago. The nurse told me he's doing very well and just about to get the breathing tube taken out. Just wanted to let you know that he made it through the surgery fine.
Good Morning everyone!!
I have been designated by Martin to report to you all on his condition following his heart surgery.
I admitted him EARLY (9:30am-yawn) on Sunday morning and he finally got a bed around 11am. He was in good spirits and made himself comfortable in his new surroundings. Several nurses came around to introduce themselves and explained some procedures to him. I remained with him for an hour or so before I left for the day.
Yesterday, Monday, I called the hospital around 11:30am to check on progress. I was told he was not in surgery as yet but will probably get there about noontime. I later checked in about 5:30pm and was told he is still in surgery to check back in about an hour and a half. I did but was unable to get thru to the ICU area. Today, Tuesday, I will check again to get his condition and hopefully can get by there in the afternoon if they will let me see him. I will report to you all later tonight when I return.
'Til then,
yer concerned pal