My High-Five this month.
Martin D.Goodkin.

Well I thought to start of the New Year in giving praise to a person that I admired throughout the years.
Most of you know him very well.
Mr.Martin D.Goodkin.
He was my first blogging friend on blogster.
At one time I was ready to give up as he came forward telling me to hang out and you will get the drift on things.
He was so right.
One of the praise is his movie review.
Not sure how many out there read it.
He does an excellent job of doing it and envious of his writing.
He goes in a lot of details.
Maybe some of us do not see in the movie.
Yes,we different on movies,which is fine.
I respect him for that.
He keeps me well informed and I mean well informed.
On what is happening in movies and the theater.
He has many talents .
He loved the movies and theater.
Seen many good ones and bad ones.
After many years of blogging and got to know him.
We visit with him several years ago.
Was a pleasure for he was our first blogger to meet.
Both of us writing details on our visit a while back.
He has a new gig,doing review on Broadway shows in his area.This he does an excellent job of writing.
He puts in many hours in doing so.
I do hope that you give him a chance to read his reviews and praise him or not.
I can go on and on talking about him.
Maybe someday will meet again.
Noticed that he did not invited us again(Kidding Martin)lol.
One of my mentor for this year and every year.
Yea,he picks on me.But in a loving way.LOL
Mr.Martin D.Goodkin.
Wished you the best of years and to continued all of your work there.He is my Hi-Five this month.
Now I got to find another one to praise.