Well not sure if most of you know that I have not been on for some time.
Took some time off from blogging.
With so much to do in the good ole Summertime and taking advantage of doing so.
We are back to Sleepless in Epsom.
In the last two weeks we have been having storm after storm.
Most of this happen during the night.
Poor Mike has to sit with Buffy till it is over with.
Last night,it lasted up to one in the morning.
Tonight and tomorrow more of the same.
It is so clammy these last few days,the house is so sticky etc.
Surely,this is also happening in your part there.
We had torrential rain,wind,hail,you name it we had it.
will be so glad when Fall comes and looking forward to this.
One of my favorite season.
Saw Batman the "Dark Knight" loved it.
Heath Ledger as far as I am concern is the best of the jokers
A fun and full of action.A bit long but it was great.
After reading Martin review of Mama Mia we changed our mind and went to see
This was Saturday morning at nine thirty and the place was packed.
Was very surprised at this time of the morning.
Great movie,get out there to see it.
If you have an Imax theatre there,this is much better.
Have a great evening and talk to you guys later.