Still playing around with my new toy here.
Tomorrow we will find out who is going to win in the first in the nation primary.
I went out to vote for my President Obama.
Will stick by him thick and thin.
Know that he is going to be fine for the next four years in office.
Just one small problem.Not too happy with Biden.
Why?not sure.
Never cared for him in the first place.
He is like a puppet dog there.
Nevertheless if this help our President to be elected then let it be.
I will be glad after this is over.
With so much BS.
On a sad note just find out from my daughter that my son has lung disease.
He is having a rough time in breathing.
Will be have a test this week with the tube.
Endocosopy ?not sure this is the right word for it.
We have been strangers for a few years and think that I will make the first move to see him.If he does not want to meet with me then let it be.
He is still trouble .
Never got along,alway arguing etc.A terrible attitude.
But I will see him and he can either punch me out or make amend.
I hear that he is looking badly and older than me.
Now that is something to hear not.
He works at the same place that Mike does.
Did not seen him this morning.
A very heavy smoke that he was.
At one time gave it up and doing great.
Till he met his last wife also smoke no help there.
But I will see him soon and wish me luck in doing so.

Mike and his mom.
I thought that had a photo of my son not.
That is how long that we have not seen each other.
Well finally,I guess will be having some snow on Thursday a few inches so that I am told.
Sooner or later it will be coming our way.
Tonight menu:Salmon and vegetables with rice and salad.
Good night and the result of the voting will be tomorrow sometime.
Have a great evening.
Love to all.Fredo the cute little Italian boy.lol