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Another Metamorphosis

Fashion & Style > The Scolds Bridle

The Scolds Bridle

As I logged out of here a few moments ago, I thought of another device which is a similar, kind of 'legal torture' mainly, for women. It is too late for me to 'put into my own words', so I have copied and pasted:
A scold's bridle is a British invention, possibly originating in Scotland, used between the 16th and 19th Century. It was a device used to control, humiliate and punish gossiping, troublesome women by effectively gagging them. Scold comes from the 'common scold': a public nuisance, more often than not women, who habitually gossiped and quarrelled with their neighbours, while the name bridle describes a part that fitted into the mouth. The scold's bridle was also known as the 'gossiping bridle' and the 'Brank(s)', and was commonly used by husbands on their nagging or swearing wives. The device was occasionally used on men; however, it was primarily used on women who agitated the male-dominated society of the era.
Made by blacksmiths, the bridle was a cage-like device, made from iron. It was approximately nine inches high and seven inches wide, and was fitted to the woman's head. The most basic type was made of a band of iron, which was hinged at the side and had a protruding part, or tongue piece, that could be flat or with a spike, which went into the woman's mouth, to hold her tongue down. Another band of iron went over her head, the front of which was shaped for her nose to go through. Depending on the design, the bridle could be uncomfortable, painful or torturous, and scarring of the tongue was not uncommon. Some had a bell secured to a spring, which was attached to the bridle, so the wearer could be heard as she approached.
Let the Woman be Silent in Church
Over four centuries, thousands of women were subjected to the wearing of these contraptions. The main principle behind the scold's bridle was: let the woman be silent in church, though the word 'church' referred to the Parish community, or to be more precise; the male hierarchies of a community, rather than the building of bricks and mortar. Further translation would suggest more accurately - 'Let the woman be silent in the presence of the male'.
Some houses had a hook in the wall at the side of the fireplace where the wife would be chained, until she promised to behave herself and curb her tongue. Although sometimes fitted to a nagging wife by the local gaoler (jailer) at the request of her husband, or by the husband himself, it was more often a punitive sentence ordered by a magistrate. Judicial bridles were more elaborate than the basic; they always had at least one spike and they could be locked. They also had a chain attached to the side of the bridle, with a ring on the end. This could be used to publicly humiliate the woman by leading her through the town, or staking her at a designated area for a set time period. The amount of time the bridle was worn could be from 30 minutes to several hours, depending on the seriousness of the offence, during which time the miscreant would not be able to eat or drink. It was also said to be used on witches to prevent them from chanting or casting spells.
Scold's bridles were purchased and used to punish female inmates for disobedience and other misdemeanours by various workhouses, including Forden Workhouse, Powys, Wales.
A Museum Piece
There are over 50 bridles of various different sizes and styles in museums, churches and town halls across the country. Of those, one is on display in the Torture Chamber at the Tower of London. Another, which is dated 1632, is in a glass case in the vestry of a church at Walton-on-Thames, Surrey, with the inscription:
Chester presents Walton with a bridle
To curb women's tongues that talk too idle.

It is said that an angry Chester presented this bridle to the town after he missed out on an expected fortune, which he believed was due to the lies of gossiping women in the town.
The bridle is believed to have last been used in Britain in 1824, at Congleton, Cheshire, though there are reports that it was used to silence a woman very effectively when used in terrorem (as a warning or deterrent) in 1858.
The Muzzle
It's unclear how many different countries the Scold's Bridle spread to. In Germany a version of the bridle known as Der Maulkorb (the muzzle) was used, with small nails being added to the tongue piece to increase the severity of the muzzle.

posted on Dec 19, 2010 5:20 PM ()


I just cannot even imagine this. Thank goodness we have made some progress in Europe and America. This torture reminds me of things that are still be done to women in Africa and in some parts of Asia, however.
comment by redimpala on Dec 20, 2010 6:52 AM ()
Makes you wonder how we ever got to the top of the food chain, doesn't it?
reply by redimpala on Dec 20, 2010 12:03 PM ()
It is so sickening, to think that these barbaric attitudes to 'anyone', can still occur in this day and age! 'Man', is far more the 'amimal', than animals!

reply by febreze on Dec 20, 2010 10:52 AM ()
In many ways, we've come a long way. But to disagree with Jon, women around the world are still greatly abused. I'll spare examples. (PS: the chastity belt post was educational.)
comment by solitaire on Dec 20, 2010 6:13 AM ()
I said, "...almost changed."
reply by jondude on Dec 20, 2010 7:36 PM ()
Yes I know that there is still abusive behaviour going on but at least, this particular device is now obsolete thankfully
reply by febreze on Dec 20, 2010 10:44 AM ()
The cruelty of this makes me speechless.
comment by elderjane on Dec 19, 2010 6:40 PM ()
"Let the woman be silent in the presence of the male" - - oh WoW!!! I would have been a frequent model for that implement!!!
It must have been horrendous, to wear
reply by febreze on Dec 20, 2010 10:31 AM ()
MEN! *shaking head and thoroughly disgusted.* Although, there have probably been a few times when DH........
comment by nittineedles on Dec 19, 2010 5:38 PM ()
- Got to be honest, if I were living around those times, I thhhiiiinnnkkkk I may have been subjected to one of them . . . (only 'now and again' mind)
reply by febreze on Dec 20, 2010 10:21 AM ()
I wonder how much of this custom came over to America, because I've never heard of either the bridle or chaining women to the wall. Not saying there wasn't any spousal abuse over here, just not these forms of it, to my knowledge.
comment by troutbend on Dec 19, 2010 5:31 PM ()
It would be interesting to see if this device did, travel over the water with the pilgrims - let me know if you find out Laura - thanx babe
Just imagine what it must have been like to literally 'chained' to the kitchen . . .
reply by febreze on Dec 20, 2010 9:48 AM ()
It amazes me how abusive men were to womenfolk. Thankfully, we have almost changed.
comment by jondude on Dec 19, 2010 5:30 PM ()
The were occasionally used on men, but the fairer sex bore the brunt of the instrument - I will post a picture in a moment (should have done it last night, but I was too tired )
reply by febreze on Dec 20, 2010 9:40 AM ()

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