Febreze (breezy)


Febreze (breezy)
Timperley, C5
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Another Metamorphosis

Computing & Technology > Blogging > A (Very) Brief Communique to Say Hello (Again) . .

A (Very) Brief Communique to Say Hello (Again) . .

Goodness me! I have a blank sheet of (virtual) paper in front of me and I cannot, think of anything to say! lol
'Who Do You Think You Are' is on the t.v. It is a programme where 'actor and actresses' can retrace their genealogy.It can be quite interesting usually, but tonight a guy is on whose name and face I do know, but not too well, hence, my beginning this.
I have a bottle of wine in the fridge and it is calling me to partake in a glass , so I think I will oblige and pour myself one (it'd be soooo rude, not to) . . . .

posted on July 26, 2010 2:19 PM ()


I like those genealogy programs where they use DNA to really figure out where people came from.
comment by troutbend on July 26, 2010 11:12 PM ()
There have been one or two programmes on t.v - usually people trying to connect themselves to our Royal Family, but to no avail (Buckingham Palace decline to have any samples used), but, it does make for an interesting piece of genealogical research and (for me) entertainng television.
I watched one particular documentary about two bronze age burials they had unearthed on Salisbury Plain - Stonehenge. Through dating the tooth emamel, they discovered that both burials were members of the same family, the elder male originally came from Europe (somewhere) but the younger of the two was born and bred here. It is amazing, how we are now able to find out these facts, truly amazing!
reply by febreze on July 27, 2010 9:20 AM ()
Hello there.
comment by jondude on July 26, 2010 3:40 PM ()
Hiya Jon, thanx for stopping by. How are you keeping? Well I hope. I was chatting with Lynnette earlier and she got me to come back here again. Got to be honest, I have missed everyone, especially the good mates I made along the way, you for instance Jon. It's been a long time since I was here last - not too sure how long - but a 'while' for sure! I'm doing ok (still here, lol) I am over 3 years, so my 'positive thoughts' are working
I'm going over to 'yours' now,
reply by febreze on July 26, 2010 3:50 PM ()
Of course you have to 'Wet yer Whistle' when yer tracing the family tree! *Reminiscing - that huge chocolate cake I ate in Camarthen that day all those years ago; the good times*
comment by lynniesouffle on July 26, 2010 3:27 PM ()
Oh yeah in Serendipity's - it was a HUGE one - great day. Do you recall the pub we went in - it had sawdust on the floor!?
reply by febreze on July 26, 2010 3:33 PM ()

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