When asked in a radio interview if she thought the barriers of the British class system had broken down, the author Barbara Cartland answered, "Of course they have, or I wouldn't be sitting here talking to someone like you."
There are no Alsatians in the Spanish army because they have an IQ of 60, and the minimum IQ for the army is 70.
When asked why he had a horseshoe on his door, physicist Niels Bohr answered, "Of course I don't believe in it, but I understand it brings you luck, whether you believe in it or not."
Pliny the Elder was killed when Mount Vesuvius erupted and destroyed Pompeii. He went to investigate the eruption, wearing a pillow tied to his head to protect him.
When asked by a priest, "Do you forgive your enemies," the dying Spanish general Ramon Blanco y Erenas answered, "No, I don't have any enemies. I've had them all shot."