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Life & Events > Boring > Crime and Punishment

Crime and Punishment

It's really funny what you run across when you get up early and do errands.
I decided Saturday morning to get all my errands done early.  It's been so hot and muggy that early morning is the only time not to get heat stoke around here.
I had my errands done and decided to stop in Amish country for a bit to say hi to Sarah and see the twins...
Now anybody who's ever driven out in Amish country knows that most of the roads are dirt covered, some barely roads just two ruts in the road where the buggy's go.   IF it's rained you can forget getting down some of them the holes are bigger than my car.

In order to get to Sarah's house you have to drive thru several cattle guards, and thru her parent's yard as they live behind her folks.    I was driving up the lane and noticed 3 of the kids knealing in the dirt beside the porch, hands behind their backs and leaning over and reading something on the porch...curiousity got the better of me and I rolled down my window and spoke to Sarah's mom on the porch.    She was doing laundry on the porch with a really old "ringer washer".  

The kids...didn't look up..they were memorizing bible verses.    Wasn't sure what had happened but I didn't figure it was good whatever it was.   When she noticed I had looked at the children...she said they were waiting for their father to come home "to make things right".    I didn't ask anything else.   But I bet their was some red bottoms when he did get home. 
I went on to Sarah's, got to tickle the twins, got pee'd on again...this time by Eugenia...she giggled at me.   Found out that the three "rascals" (Arlene 11, Walter 10, and Randy 8) got in trouble for putting their baby sister Esther 1 1/2ish  and brother George 2 1/2ish  in the hay loft....apparently not wanting to babysit brothers and sisters is universal.    They put them in the hay loft (tied cords around them and then tied them to hay bales so they wouldn't fall down)...while mom had walked down the road to a neighbors...but apprently they didn't plan things so well...cuz mom came home and heard crying and found the little ones before they could get up there and untie them.   Mom wasn't happy...and I imagine the three babysitters will wish they had watched them inside of sticking them in the hay loft when dad got home. 
I made it home before noon...tired, hot..and a little smelly...but I got everything done... : ) 

posted on July 21, 2008 9:54 AM ()


I thought I was pretty creative when I was a kid, but those babysitters have me beat! Oh, my, I don't think they were rewarded for their creativity, though! Ouch!
comment by donnamarie on July 31, 2008 12:39 PM ()
That's what happens with minimum wage baby sitters...
comment by looserobes on July 23, 2008 11:36 AM ()
Wish I had thought of that when I was forced to watch my little sister...
comment by janetk on July 22, 2008 1:40 PM ()
Tied them to hay bales? Now that's creative.
comment by mellowdee on July 22, 2008 8:24 AM ()
What creative children. I never thought of tieing my little sister to a haybale.
comment by elderjane on July 21, 2008 4:52 PM ()
now that is the way to baby sit.
comment by fredo on July 21, 2008 4:13 PM ()
as the youngest of 6 kids I can relate to those poor little ones who got tied up! and I was the biggest tattle tale ever thanks to my siblings!
comment by elkhound on July 21, 2008 1:26 PM ()

My father-in-law brought his latest shed from the Amish, the more modern ones.

I was luckily enough to be at home when they came to install it. I’ve never seen an Amish person in real life…. A father and his son of no more than 12 got out of the truck to unhitch and set it all by themselves. My husband was marvelling at the young bloke [who must have done this countless times] anticipating all his dads moves without having to be told.

You can see our glee when after about 10 minutes later a tiny tot of about five popped up in the front seat asking to get out. My husband said to the Dad…yer helpers get smaller as they come out. He was a cutie! Dressed the same way but barefooted.

Whenever I think of that little bloke I just .
comment by dazeymae on July 21, 2008 11:53 AM ()
Oh my, good story.
comment by shesaidwhat on July 21, 2008 11:49 AM ()
I love your tales from Amish country! As for the young babysitters, I fear they may not be SITTING anywhere on anything for a while!
comment by marta on July 21, 2008 11:34 AM ()
that is sooo funny!!!
Yeah those dirt roads can be scary in rain!!!
comment by kristilyn3 on July 21, 2008 10:54 AM ()
Wow, now that's some creative babysitting!
comment by jennrud on July 21, 2008 10:49 AM ()
what an interesting way to babysit
comment by ducky on July 21, 2008 10:03 AM ()

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