Oh my goodness, life is just not good for Republicans these days. As they spin around, crawling up their own asses to defend this really, really strange woman, they seem to be ignoring the surplus of evidence that she is either a flat out nut, or that she is opposite of the platform of McCain.
Just to throw this out there to start, we have all heard that she was "mayor" of a town of 6000 people. Oh I am sorry they are saying "City". Wh-What? That is suppose to be "impressive experience"? Are you kidding. I heard one person say 6000 people is impressive if you are a caterer, or a wet-nurse but not a mayor. More like a "village elder". But hey, what does someone from her town have to say about her? I can imgaine what the town librarian had to say about her since Palin threatened to FIRE HER for not BANNING books that Sarah felt was "offensive". But Ok, ok, so she isn't in favor of free speech, but she loves guns and likes to hunt (from airplanes, is that even legal? Ummm, the answer is NO its not..)

But hey, back to Wasilla, because there is MUCH MUCH more. Wasilla, the Methamphetamine capital of Alaska, had problems to say the least. As mayor she controlled the town in a way that only a right-wing nutball evangelical fruit-loop could, trying to ban books, bashing gays, screaming no to abortion (see below) and all that good ole republican bullshit that really doesn't help anyone with the actual issues of our day. While there Mayor Palin secured more than 27 million dollars for its handful of residents in pork-barrel earmarks that even McCain himself had issues with (my, how issues change when you need a conservative call girl). And here is where it gets tricky, but fun...
...Palin has also railed against earmarks, touting her opposition to a
$223 million bridge in the state as a prime credential for the vice
presidential nomination. "As governor, I've stood up to the old
politics-as-usual, to the special interests, to the lobbyists, the big
oil companies, and the good-ol'-boy network," she said Friday.
As mayor of Wasilla, however, Palin oversaw the hiring of Robertson,
Monagle & Eastaugh, an Anchorage-based law firm with close ties to
Alaska's most senior Republicans: Rep. Don Young and Sen. Ted Stevens,
who was indicted in July on charges of accepting illegal gifts. The
Wasilla account was handled by the former chief of staff to Stevens,
Steven W. Silver, who is a partner in the firm..."
Oh now, I know what you are saying "eky, don't tell me she has ties to Ted 'bridge to nowhere' Stevens." Sorry but Yep, and Jack Abramoff.

Meanwhile her and her husband had a carwash in Achorage Alaska, well they had it until time to claim it on record that is. Then they forgot it, even though the warning letters about it came from her own office with her own letterhead (pdf).
Now, I said I wasn't going to "go there" in regards to pregant teens (and I am not, in regards to Sarah Palin's pregant unwed seventeen) BUT did you know that Sarah Palin slashed funding for shelters for pregant teens? When it's her pregnant teen, YOU BETTER LAY OFF, when it's Alaskan resident's pregant teens, then let them freeze (that's one way to reduce unwanted pregancies without supporting abortion, freeze and forget the mamas, the baby will go down with the ship). And while she was slashing funding, she also decided those darn firefighters, emergency workers and such was getting too much money too. Who needs 'em, they might end up saving some freezing pregant mamas that she is trying to deal with.
But remember ladies, she is a working uterus running for office who was in the PTA and a former beauty queen (runner up that is), so she needs your support! That is how smart the McCain camp thinks you are.