..health care costs have gone UP 78% since 2001
According to Merrill Lynch, at the end of 2007, “36 percent of consumers’ disposable income went to food, energy and medical care, a bigger chunk of income than at any time since records were first kept in 1960.â€
And if that isn't telling enough for you, how about this. 1.1 Million people in Ohio were eligible for and received food stamps. In a state with a population of 11,478,006 , that works out to 10% of the population roughly. So how is that republican economic plan working out for ya?
I just heard a radio host say, there are two types of republicans, millionaires and suckers. Hmmmm...

Allowing emotion to overrule reason is a serious problem on the Left. You almost never see the the kind of behavior or language used by your heroine Randi Rhodes (or whichever Air America hostess it is) being used on the Right. But on the Left there is a never ending parade of outraged and outrageous people obsessed by emotional reaction rather than well considered thought. I mention this because I really hope you will give careful consideration to my opening paragraph in this reply.