This is just grotesque. Another reason to never shop there.
posted on Mar 26, 2008 2:42 PM ()
Wal-Mart and its rapacious brethren will begin to fade because people in the more rural parts of America will refuse to pay the 10 or 15 bucks in fuel costs for a round-trip drive to the nearest big box mega-outlet just to get some crackers and shampoo and some nails.And the world will improve. A little. However, I do not underestimate the power of Wal-Mart to viciously alter the time/space continuum for their own benefit, and to figure out a way around the transport issue, perhaps by cutting the pay of their sweatshop workforce from eight cents a month to four and by strapping enormous pallets of crappy ink-jet printers and porcelain Jesus figurines to the backs of trained dolphins and send them over from Shanghai. They are just that kind of malevolent.
Greedy ########!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This story absolutely broke my heart!
This is truly a sad story. Walmart execs should realize what bad press this is for them, if they don't have the conscience to feel for the poor woman and her husband. I am of two minds here. If everyone stops using Walmart, won't it mean that some of the employees will lose their jobs? I know that my Walmart hires people in wheelchairs and people who have hearing disabilities. I know these people (because I do go there). They would have a hard time finding other work. It's a dilemma.
How sad to hear/watch this. How is it possible that a company like Wal-mart acts this way. It actually is a shame.
I have not set foot in a Walmart in over a year and do not plan on ever shopping there if I can avoid it. All Walmart does is destroy small business owners; they are greedy, blood sucking vultures. This is a tragic story.
Thats what happens when the old man dies and the spoiled kids take over a company (as though they need the money). We have shopped for 2 years now at Target (just across the street)
I read this somewhere...those cheap, money grubbing, pr-cks. I wish I weren't poor so I wouldn't have to shop there.
reguards yer hoping for a lottery win so's I can tell Wally World to shove there low prices right up their smiley "face" pal bugg
Looserobes posted this, - the video. I am handing out a copy of his post at walm-art tomorrow.
Someone else here wrote an article.Did not have the video. A lesson learned always read the fine print there. As lot of us do not,I know I don't.Will be careful the next time
Yet another chapter in the on-going Wal-Mart saga.