I didn't know about that, we are so tied up in our breast cancer awareness bake sale, fund raiser, and walk for the cure stuff, that I suppose it was eclipsed. (and boy I am getting sick of wearing pink)
lol too funny. I guess we all have to grow up sometime. Still I personally and not gonna "take it" just yet
that looks great
yuck I hate that floaty hyper feeling you get from cold medicine. Don't go applying for work anywhere today, from the sound of it you wouldn't make a good impression
frighteningly so
I'm missing more than 3/4ths of my pictures here. What's the problem with advanced editor????? I'll try and re post
I am missing most of my pictures...this sucks
Oh it's been a while since we were able to go for indian food. Dom's not a fan. Mediteranian he does like though, oddly a big fan of hummus and baba ganoush.
I know all the stores are really hoping that the holidays will bring them into the black this year. With the way the economy is right now I think it's less commercialization with the early displays and more desperation.
I've been a big buyer on ebay for my used books, since most of the "stores" will combine shipping. I have found some pretty good finds, but no features like recommendations. Still I can buy tons of used books generally for a one rate ship cost and now I have to buy a new book shelve
I thought it was alright, but I don't think it should have won best picture. There were so many other viable options with more merit. Although the cinamtography was beautiful and it was a decent Coen Bros film, I don't think it was one of their best either.
I'm looking forward to seeing that as well. Glad to hear it wasn't a bomb