This post is meant to anger people. Because this letter to the editor of our local newspaper, The Newsguard, really pissed me off. For the record I am a heterosexual male. I'm disclosing that info because I want to show that it doesn't bother me that Lincoln City is having a Gay Pride festival to let Gays and Lesbians know that we welcome you all to our wonderful community. On the downside we have "tourists" that write the above mentioned letter. I won't disclose their names but I will post the letter. Here's how it reads:
City should exercise discretion for events
Several times a year, we take our three children to the Lincoln City area for short vacations. Today, I received a Lincoln City Events 2008 schedule. The first three events I see on the schedule are:
1. An AIDS Quilt Display
2. Gay Pride Festival
3. Drag Queen Cabaret
The schedule continues with several more Gay Pride featured events. Is this what Lincoln City has become? Lincoln City and the Visitor Bureau had better show a lot more discretion in the events they endorse, or we will be taking our tourist dollars elsewhere.
These people are from Tualatin, Oregon. It is a suburb of Portland (sort of.) They were the only ones to actually submit a letter. It pisses me off that there are such narrow-minded idiots that don't understand that gays and lesbians are people too. It is not a disease. I have gay and lesbian friends. I had a gay cousin. She decided to take a gun and blow her head off because her f**king narrow-minded parents told her she was worthless because she chose to be a "dyke" (I'm sorry for the slur. I was using it to make a point.) Being gay isn't a choice. The idiocracy from people like the "Tualatins" are what make this world a miserable place. People like them picketed City Hall in Lincoln City. Most of them "tourists" from other places. They say they fear that "The Gays and Lesbians will do vulgar things at the Gay Pride Parade." Excuse me, I've seen hetero couples making out in a grocery store. If that's not vulgar I don't know what is. I'm not talking about kissing. I'm talking grabbing each other's ass and full tongues. The most I've seen gay people do is maybe hold hands in public. No big deal. PD and I hold hands. Is that vulgar? Here's a positive letter I read from the same paper:
First of all, I wanted to applaud the Lincoln City Visitor and Convention Bureau for the positive step that it is taking in holding the Inaugural Gay Pride Event. As a resident of this community and one that frequents all businesses in Lincoln City and surrounding areas, I am proud to be represented by a government that holds everyone's interests in the same extreme. Being a home owner, voter and consumer, I have contributed to a lot of the businesses in town. It has never been a point of contention by the businesses in town not to accept my money for their products because I happen to be a minority, a person who happens to be gay. Reason tells me that if I am accepted as a customer of a business and able to have them profit by this arrangement, then I should be accepted to hold a event that is also a part of my life.
Hearing from minorities is nothing new. In the press, on television, radio or billboards, we have all heard their fight, but unlike the American Indians, minor nationalities and people of foreign birth, being gay we still have a second-place ranking for human beings for a minority of the American public. Having festivals like yours is a positive step towards acceptance and will shine on Lincoln City as a model of a city that is in the 21st century and gives people worth, no matter what their differences are.
Thank you for your efforts and time.
This is a more local person from Neskowin, Oregon (a few miles north of Lincoln City.) I think that we need more gay and lesbian visitors here in Lincoln City. We need more diversity here. All the gay and lesbian readers of my post take the weekend off between Thursday September 18 and Sunday September 21st (or stay thru the 23rd to view the AIDS quilt.) I'm not afraid of you or afraid to catch something. We are all the same race...the human race. Those that want to protest and call names might as well shave their heads and tattoo a swastika on themselves (for the record I do shave my head but for reasons of vanity and to save money on haircuts.) If you happen to be in the area, gay or straight, please feel free to visit the beautiful Oregon Coast no matter what time of year.
'nuff said.