Draco Draconus


Draco Draconus
Lincoln City, OR
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Oregon Coast Rantings

Life & Events > Seven Years Ago ...

Seven Years Ago ...

There were these terrorist monsters that decided to hijack four passenger jets and cause major damage to our country. Three of the planes hit their targets and killed thousands of people and wounded us pretty bad, but we are healing. Not to take away from the people that lost their lives crashing into the twin towers and pentagon but I would like to honor the brave souls of United 93 that sacrificed their lives to stop some asshole terrorist mother f**kers from hitting their fourth target. Their bravery should be honored yet when we remember 9/11 it goes back to the World Trade Center. It was tragic to watch those towers crashing down and knowing that thousands of people lost their lives that day. It saddens me that you never hear them honor those passengers of United 93 that didn't have to be heroes but did so to stop more tragedy from happening. I, for one, will place my right hand over my heart and bow my head in silence.
'nuff said.

posted on Sept 11, 2008 10:58 AM ()


These were truly brave patriotic American citizens who loved their country more than they vlued their own lives. They thought of their loved ones and all of us and did what they did to save us all... bless them!
comment by sunlight on Sept 15, 2008 10:10 PM ()
Oh I think they get their recognition for sure. I was just watching the news and McCain mentioned them - he visited the site today. I do not like McCain but that was an awesome gesture on his part. They were the first to have a memorial as well.
comment by kristilyn3 on Sept 11, 2008 11:45 AM ()
I remember reading/watching documentarys in respect of innocent passengers on the flights and their final phone calls to their loved ones. I think it was United 93 where a few of the passengers all came to the decission to act and over power the terrorists. I'll never forget that, they were incredibly brave and I don't think they'll ever be forgotton for their courage - not in my eart anyway.
comment by lynnie on Sept 11, 2008 11:16 AM ()

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