We are suppose to be in the "Land of the Free" yet there's this thing we are forced to do called Jury Duty. For those of you not familiar (I hope you all are) it's when you get a summons by mail with a number next to your name. During the month in which you are summoned, you have to call a jury hot-line to see when you have to appear. If your number is called, you have to appear at the courthouse to see if you are selected to sit on a jury.
I'm ranting about this because I think that it's bullshit to be forced into service like that and only get paid $10.00 per day. Then if you weren't forced to do it, no one would volunteer. Someone's freedom (and possibly their life) is in your hands. Being summoned for jury duty makes me feel like I'm in a communist country where you are forced into service of your government. If I were more political, I would run for office and have jury duty eliminated. Make the lazy assholes in the senate and house sit on a jury panel. They need to earn those annual pay raises they give themselves every year (at the expense of the tax payer.) We need to take back our lives. Jimmy Carter eliminated the draft. Why can't someone eliminate Jury Duty. (BTW...I was chosen but didn't have to sit on a jury. My guess is that because PD works for the police as a 911 dispatcher is what disqualified me.)
'nuff said.