I would like to apologize for my comment I place on the post entitled "An Apology To Breed Ban Enthusiasts." I went on this rant about how I heard that 95% of dog attacks that I hear about are pitbulls and pitbull mixes. It made me sound like I am for a ban on dog breeds. I don't think that certain dog breeds should be banned. I think that certain humans that have vicious dogs should be banned. A friend of mine(for blogging purposes shall be known as SF) is "THE" ultimate dog person. She has so much love in her heart that she took in an abused dog and helped her trust humans again. Abby has been an important part of her family for years. SF said she would not own a pitbull. They are the only breed she says can't overcome their urge to attack no matter how much you love them. SF is the type of person that does research on how to help abused animals. Her pooch, Abby, was very mistrusing of humans and it took SF a while to rehabilitate her. When you first meet Abby you wouldn't know that she use to hate humans. In fact she loves the attention. Again, I'm not a nazi who wants to exterminate all pitbulls. In fact, I love dogs. I have two pooches of my own. I just want the humans that keep them to have a background check and a license to have a dangerous animal just like anyone that has a dangerous animal. I await your comments.
'nuff said.