I love to go walking. It's actually my favorite way of exercising. (All right, all right, I can hear you! Maybe it's my second most favorite way to exercise!) Anyway, back to my story...I do enjoy going on walks, whether they be around my neighborhood, down to the center of town and back, along the shoreline, through beautiful park areas, up and down city streets, or just about anywhere that's interesting.
I intentionally take a vacation from walking throughout most of the winter, though. I find little or no pleasure in walking when it's cold, stormy, or any combination of things that create bleakness or robs the surroundings of anything interesting. And, because the best time for walking during this season whenever there is a good day tends to be mid-day when I have to be indoors working, I really don't get to do much walking at all between December and March.
When I do walk, though, regardless of what time of year it might be, I walk alone more often than I'm accompanied. I enjoy that time alone; the connection with myself, my senses, and nature/the surroundings is very rewarding and stimulating. However, I do enjoy the walks I take with Edie by my side, too.
We don't get to walk together as often as we like to. We have more opportunity for it and, therefore, take advantage of it during the summer months, but we don't really have a lot of opportunities as a whole. So, you can imagine how happy I am when I see possible opportunities arising.
Edie will be on vacation from both work and school next week and, although it will still be February, there is a chance that there could be some good days and reasonable hours available for us to be able to go walking together. And nothing would make me happier! To go out on a nice brisk walk in the sunshine and take in the views and fresh air alongside the company of my best friend will certainly be as rewarding and stimulating as when I walk alone, if not even more so!