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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Life & Events > Peaceful Time in the Park

Peaceful Time in the Park

I have mentioned Colt State Park a number of times in my posts. I've certainly posted a lot of pictures I've taken there, too. Readers of my posts have read about and seen pictures of the water, the flowers, the trees, the seagulls, the fields, and the roadways. There have been stories and pictures from winter, spring, summer, and fall. There were pictures of Edie and I sitting on benches, having a picnic, at our car, and posing in the lilac bushes. I've shown boats of all kinds that were sailing by, people on bicycles, people walking their dogs, and people just enjoying a walk or jog. There were stormy days, sunny days, snow-covered days, and hot days. I've included videos of riding through the park with music playing in the background. And, yet, I haven't covered everything.

This beautifully maintained enclosed area with the fantastic view is the Chapel By the Sea. It is enclosed by a stone wall that is entirely made from stones found on the property. Within the walls are the chapel proper and a nice variety of trees and shrubbery. It's an area where no food or drink, no smoking, no pets, no bicycles, and no loud voices are allowed, which often makes it the quietest spot in the entire park.

Anyone can enter and enjoy being here, whether it is to pray, think, rest, or just to simply enjoy the quiet and the view. At times, though, it is reserved by a private party for weddings, commitment ceremonies, vow renewals, christenings, or memorial services. It is non-denominational, so all are welcome and are comfortable here.

Personally, I love to enter the Chapel By the Sea from time to time, just to sit, enjoy all that I can see around me, and to think. Others may choose to do so at the same time, too, however, it's often as if no one else is there even where there are others present. So often, though, I find that I have the entire place to myself.

One has to walk across the lawn and through the trees to reach the sitting area. This part of the chapel is really lovely and is often used for the many pictures taken after ceremonies that take place here. I have actually witnessed some ceremonies taking place among the trees, as opposed to taking place where the altar and seating area is.

I spotted this as I was walking toward the seating area, where I planned to sit for awhile. It reminded me of the numerous walks and bike rides done for charity here in the park. Many will include a ceremony here before or after the events.

Anyway, I just wanted to share this special little place with you. As I have often done in the past, I did sit here for a time and just relished the quiet, peaceful surroundings of the beautiful outdoors. I got lost in my thoughts in no time. At one point, I believe even my thoughts were lost because I was at such perfect peace that I wasn't thinking about anything, yet I was fully aware of being as one with everything around me. It was with the approaching vessel you see here in the picture that my senses were "snapped out of it". I walked over to the stonewall, where I stood and looked out until the boat had completely passed by. That's when I made my exit, returned to the car, and drove home to get on with the rest of my day.

posted on Apr 5, 2009 5:04 PM ()

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