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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Health & Fitness > Edie's in the Hospital

Edie's in the Hospital

This week has been a little busier and different than most of my weeks, that's for sure. As a result, I haven't been able to be on mybloggers all that much and I'm not exactly sure when things will be back to normal.

I really don't have too much time to write right now, either, but I did want to touch base with you. I'll back things up just a bit so you'll understand better, then I'll give you the news, and then I'll be ending the post so I can head out.

About 7 years ago, Edie had a serious infection on her left foot. I won't go into details except to say that the actual cause or type of infection was never determined. She was treated and, after 8 months of continuous doctor visits, the foot was better. It would be difficult for anyone to find any evidence now of anything having been wrong with that foot.

Since then, other types of rash outbreaks and skin drying/cracking conditions have occured, but Edie was able to clear them up on her own by using over the counter things, so she never really consulted with a doctor about those things. However, about a month ago, some cracking occured on the big toe of her other foot. It became a sore and, even with the care Edie was giving it, it became infected. She continued to take care of it, but it then became obvious that it was turning into the same horrible condition she had experienced with her foot. It also became obvious that her own care wasn't good enough, so at one point over the weekend, she announced she would go see a doctor on her next day off. That was yesterday. And, she did go to see the doctor, who was so over-concerned that she had Edie transported to the hospital's emergency room. I met Edie up there and stayed with her until almost midnight. She was still in the emergencyroom when I left, but she was being admitted into the hospital and was waiting to be transported.

Edie was transported sometime after I left and she is still in the hospital and it is still unknown to me what the exact problem is or for how long she will be there. She has a foot doctor and dermatologist working on this as they assess the foot x-rays, culture swabbings, blood tests, and whatever else they feel Edie needs. In the meantime, she has received antibiotics through IV feed and they are also monitoring her sugar level (seems to be ok) and her blood pressure (seems very high). I am on my way there to see her now and, hopefully, I will learn more while I am there.

I ask you to keep Edie in your thoughts and prayers, and I will be back to post again when I get a chance.

posted on Apr 9, 2009 1:38 PM ()

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