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Life & Events > Edie's Home

Edie's Home

Thank you to all of you for your thoughts and prayers. Edie was released from the hospital late yesterday afternoon and is now back at home. She's not feeling great, but she's happy to be home and should start to feel better soon.

The infection is definitely a fungus. Because she has such a low resistance/tolerance to it, when the fungus hits, it really hits! They, meaning the doctors, believe that is what happened to her foot seven years ago...the fungus just got way out of hand and took over with a vengeance. Other minor outbreaks were of the same, but, for some reason, they only reached a certain point before the healing began.

What Edie has to do is thoroughly wash, clean, apply an ointment, and wrap her toe with gauze bandaging at least once a day. She must stay on antibiotics for awhile yet. She is to only wear shoes when she absolutely has to, and she should avoid too much walking or time on her feet for at least a few more days, which is why the doctors have ordered her to stay out of work for a week. She will be seeing her primary care doctor this week and will then be under the care of a foot doctor.

She has been ordered to resume taking the medication she needs and used to take for her diabetes and high blood pressure. Both of these levels were found to be very high. Although her sugar level improved even in the short amount of time she was in the hospital, her blood pressure continued to be too high. She will be under the care of her primary care doctor for these things, although she will be pursuing a new primary care doctor sometime after she gets "the ball rolling".

Edie remains very tired, she sometimes runs a slight fever, and the antibiotics and diuretic is creating the need for her to be in need of the bathroom a lot more frequently. Otherwise, she is feeling ok and is relieved that the infection didn't turn out to be more serious than it is.

We will be enjoying a nice quiet Easter Day dinner and visit at my mom and dad's place tomorrow. Mom has already announced that the couch belongs to Edie so that she can sit or recline as needed, even take a nap if she wants to. She can also use either one of the two beds, if she wants. So, we will eat and visit there until we feel we are ready to return home. Hopefully, Edie will feel well enough to enjoy the day as much as possible.

posted on Apr 11, 2009 7:32 PM ()

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