Labor Day Weekend is almost over and it was a nice weekend for me. No, it was not wonderful because there were a couple of down points, but it still turned out to be nice.
When I went to my housecleaning job on Saturday morning I was informed that a homemaker home-health aide would be taking care of things from that point on, so Saturday suddenly became my last work day at that home. I'm happy for the woman and her husband because they really do need the extra, more frequent help, but it also means that I now have one less source of income which is already dwindled down to almost nothing.
Edie ended up working a little later on Saturday and the weather wasn't so great, so we had to cancel our plans to go to the Pawtucket Red Sox game that we had free passes for. Edie had to work Sunday and today, too, so the weekend really didn't feel very holiday-ish at all.
But, Bristol holds a Last-Night Summer Event every year on the eve of Labor Day. It includes a free outdoor concert by the RI Philharmonic Pops Orchestra at the waterfront park and then a usually impressive fireworks display. My parents, Edie, and I attended the event on what turned out to be a cool, but gorgeous night. Enjoying the concert while we also enjoyed the view of the harbor and the setting sun made for a great way to spend a couple of hours. And, then, the fireworks lived up to all expectations. They were absolutely spectacular!
Today was just a day for me to do some things on the computer and here and there around the apartment. I would have liked to go walking, but I really just wanted to concentrate on things here before I return for another day of working at the office tomorrow. (By the way, my boss had his bypass surgery on Friday and everything went well. I will get an update sometime tomorrow.)