What To Do About New Things That Have Never Been Used
First of all, do you buy things just because they're on sale? If you don't need them, then they're not a bargain. So, ask yourself three questions before you buy anything:
1. Where will this item live? If you're serious about de-cluttering, then you are designating that all things have their proper place, or home. So, where will this "can't resist" item live, or fit?
2. What am I going to do with this thing? If you are actually going to use it, if it will help somebody, if it's exactly what is needed to fill that certain space or purpose, then fine. But, if you already have four or more of them and really don't need more, if you only THINK it will be used, if you're not sure if it's going to match, then it's not fine.
3. Is this going to replace something? If it's replacing a broken or worn item, make sure it is just as good or better. If it's going to replace an item that no longer fits or is good enough, then make sure this is the right size or of the right quality. If you are sure, then it may be ok to buy it. If not, then leave it where it is. (If it is replacing something, then be sure to get rid of the old item when you get the new one home!) If it's not replacing anything at all, but just adding to your furnishings, artwork, wardrobe, games, tools, etc., then go back to numbers 1 and 2 before making the purchase.
Now, what do you do with all the new things you already have that have never been used, like that beautiful chair pictured above that was made out of pedestrian "walk/don't walk" signs? Well, you clean them up and either put them up for sale, give them as gifts to someone who will use them or like them, or donate them. In other words, you DO NOT keep them!