In contrast to this, Edie has been relaxing at home as she continues to recover from her ordeal with a cellulitis infection that was complicated by a bad reaction to her antibiotic prescription and some other medical conditions she has. She was feeling much better and starting to enjoy being outdoors again, so there were a couple of opportunities for us to go for scenic drives around our area.
One of the places we drove by was the historical farm known as Coggeshall Farm, which is right here in Bristol. We did stop alongside the farm road at one point so we could enjoy looking at the animals in the field. Here are a couple of pictures...

Aside from time at work, time at home, and driving around town, we did manage to squeeze in some special things, too. We celebrated Edie's birthday by having supper and cake and ice cream with my parents, we went to the circus, we went to our friend's grandchild's first birthday party in NH, and we visited with my cousin and her daughter's family in NH. (I may talk about these things in future posts.)
However, since last Sunday, which was the day we did the special NH things, Edie hasn't been feeling well at all. It may only be a bad cold, but it seems to me to be more related to her asthma or some different respiratory problem. She has been coughing and gasping quite often, having difficulty sleeping, and being very tired, sluggish, pale and, understandably, irritable. She does have another appointment with her primary care doctor coming up, but she feels there is a possibility that she will want to see a doctor sooner than that.
We do have plans for meeting up with some friends tomorrow night at a local pub, but, whether or not Edie will feel up to doing this is still unknown at this time. I hope she does feel up to it so she'll be able to get out of the house again after spending this entire week indoors at home, but it may be good for her to stay home, take it easy, and continue to take care of herself if she still really isn't feeling that well. And, then, on Sunday, we are hoping to spend some time visiting with my mom for Mother's Day, although no specific plans have been made yet.