I finally met, for the first time, my internet friend that I met on Pogo almost eight years ago. Clara's husband, Ray, had a week off from work and the first half was spent on a schooner, sailing out to different islands to see lighthouses and do some exploring. They sailed out of New London, CT, which is really quite close to the RI line, so they decided to spend the second half of the week here. This way, Clara and I would finally get to meet and, together with Edie and Clara's husband, we could hang out and get to know each other better for a few days.
Well, it turns out that Clara had recently gotten a new computer for herself. The old one was perfectly fine and too good just to throw out, so she wanted to give or donate it to somebody or somewhere. When she realized that our getting together was definitely going to happen after they finished their cruise, Clara cleaned up the computer and saved it to give to me. On the Friday that they were here, she surprised me with that computer.
She's known for ages that my computer was so very limited in levels and capabilities of performance. It was so darn slow, it such limited memory, and would simply "act up" quite often. The CD "drawer" didn't work half the time and even the on and off button would get stuck every so often. So, although her computer was far from being new and had been used an awful lot, it was still far better than mine. That's why she knew that I could really use her computer and would appreciate it so much.
Well, the computer is working great in every way you can think of...well, in every way I've used it and tested it so far. Things just happen so quickly now that I still can't get over the speed of the thing. There's so much memory on this computer that, even after loading everything I needed from the other computer, a dent hasn't been made in the memory. The keyboard doesn't stick when I'm typing, the "drawer" works just fine (and I can burn CD's, which was something I couldn't do before), and........oh, here's the big news! I don't seem to have any problems with mybloggers anymore! It doesn't bog down, fight me, or anything anymore...nothing that even comes close to freezing like would often happen before. So, I just might be able to post here from now on without any problems!