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Today's Miracle Mind ?

Jobs & Careers > A Bit Apprehensive

A Bit Apprehensive

My boss is scheduled for an appointment tomorrow morning at a time when I might still be sleeping. He's doesn't even know if he will be admitted tomorrow, given a date for admittance tomorrow, or just sent home to wait some more for his bypass surgery. All of this waiting and uncertainty is beginning to take a toll on him, which he plans to express to the doctor in the morning, but who knows if it will make any difference.

I am a bit apprehensive about the position that all of this will be putting me in, once he does go into the hospital, that is. I have gone into the office on a few occasions over the last week or so in order to get familiar with the business equipment there, the various forms that are used, the proper assembly and distribution of reports, the recording and storing procedures of the office, and other specific-to-the-business details. It's an awful lot of information to absorb even with the best notetaking one can manage. Fortunately, my boss put together a very helpful manual that includes the most current price lists, contact lists, reporting formats, follow-up steps, and state law guidelines/requirements.

Starting tomorrow morning (because of his appointment), I will be taking over the running of the business along with another employee. He is much more versed on the legal aspects, the preparation of official reports and documents, and he will be solely responsible for conducting all inspections. I am the one more versed in the general office work part of things, scheduling inspections, and maintaining all necessary communications. But, we will seldom be together in the office as a "team", which means we each have to be able to handle all tasks, if necessary, and to cover for each other and for our boss.

Yes, I am a bit nervous because the official information that goes out of the office must be 100% accurate, meaning there is absolutely no room for error. The RI Dept. of Health, DCYF, and a number of housing agencies will be less than appreciative of any mistakes. I know I will be second-guessing everything I do, going over everything numerous times and, whenever I have the opportunity, having my co-worker give a quick lookover before I send out anything.

Why am I so uncomfortable? Because of the sensitivity of the information that we are responsible for AND the fact that it takes some time to be rather comfortable with everything, but I only saw a lot of it and started learning most of it a little over a week ago.

I'm going to try to be confident, yet cautious, but I'm asking all of you to wish me luck!

posted on Aug 25, 2008 3:58 PM ()


Most certainly the best of luck to you, but you are special and will find that you will do very well. Caution is a good thing and does not take away from being competent.
comment by angiedw on Aug 26, 2008 1:26 PM ()
Good luck Donna and lots of succes! I am sure you will manage!
comment by itsjustme on Aug 26, 2008 6:19 AM ()
You'll do just fine.
comment by nittineedles on Aug 25, 2008 9:37 PM ()
I certainly wish the best for you. I can understand how difficult it will be to have to take on tasks that are very challenging and not wanting to make any mistakes in the process. You sound very knowledgeable about your job and I'm sure you will do very well. Take gentle care.
comment by hopefields on Aug 25, 2008 6:33 PM ()
Postive thinking there girl.You will be fine.
Think this as a challenge to you.Good luck will be rooting for
comment by fredo on Aug 25, 2008 4:15 PM ()

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