For the last several weeks we have had the pleasure of some little "squatters" who have set up housekeeping on our back porch. They haven't really been too loud and rowdy. Nor are they the sort to cause a lot of trouble with the neighbors. They have actually been pretty nice about posing for photos for you all. I just know you are going to enjoy seeing them as much as we have. I have several pics taken of our little friends about a week apart over the last three weeks as they have grown. We have tried not to disturb them too much. Mama bird gets upset. I was always sure there were two, but for quite awhile there was only one visible until today in this newest picture you can plainly see them both again. Aren't they adorable? We are wondering how soon they will be ready to leave the nest. Their wings still look kind of under-developed, but they are getting big. There is not much room left in that nest. I think they will be flying away soon.

And here is another nice sign of summer. Although not as special as the baby birds. This hangs on our back porch under the corner where our little feathered friends are staying.

I hope everyone is having a great beginning to their summer. We have been getting plenty of rain here. I am in my last week of college for this semester. I'm just starting on my last paper for an American History class and then I am done until September.