I wanted to do a Valentine's Day post but time slipped away on me again. We had a nice, quiet day at home. John and I got each other a few little gifts. Instead of wrapping them we just put them in places where we knew they would be found during our morning routines. It was fun.

I left the big red candy kiss out on the counter-top where I knew he would find it as he got coffee going. The black camera case was put on the stand by his computer with his camera inside it. He also got a new, softer cushion for his tushy to make his computer chair more comfy, but that isn't in the picture. John put the cute little teddy bear in the cup and the box of chocolates on my laptop computer stand where I usually head to drink my morning coffee while I read email. John also made a very nice baked chicken dinner that evening. Yes, he cooks too ladies. I know, I'm lucky! I look forward to spending the rest of our Valentine's Days together.
In closing, I just can't leave you without a little delayed VDay comedy.