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Life & Events > Spray it On ... ..

Spray it On ... ..

Spray on tans....

I'm not interested in them, I'm just surprised so many people seem to like them! I can see how it might seem "easy" to do if you're just standing there to get it applied but let's face it:

* It's doggone freakin' expensive!
* You need to find a reliable source to have it done
* It takes anywhere from 5-15 minutes to DRY....
* Typically these tans last from 5-6 days...
* You aren't supposed to sweat/get wet for at 4-8 hours afterwards! For me, that wouldn't work! I couldn't NOT wash my hands for that long......
* To get the tan, you need to wear clothing that you don't mind may get discolored (ruined). Unless, of course, you want EVERYTHING tanned (we all know how important that is!)
* You will likely need to wear goggles for your eyes & some type of nasal filter for your nose (I know not ALL situations will require this...)

And that's just some of the things I have been told, have learned.

What are the benefits? Oh yes, it lessens the chances for premature wrinkling - that truly is A GOOD THING! But I can't imagine being happy looking like a cabana-striped freakshow is or when it starts to wear off, you have strange freckle patches everywhere. I mean, you go from a glowing, sexy, confident you (who, by the way, looks to the general public as if you're a recovering beta-carotene addict) to a you that is well....you but with splotches & hiding under a trenchcoat in 100 degree weather!

(Okay, okay...some of this was a TAD embellished, there are SOME products that work better than others, I know, I know! I just can't see looking at myself, thinking, wow! I look HOT!! During the 1st few days & then thinking....EW!! I mean, isn't it a vicious, money-spending cycle, especially in a world like we live in today where the price of gas & food is outrageous??) [TONGUE]

Anyhow, just some silly thoughts of mine...think I'll go outside & prematurely wrinkle..........

posted on Apr 7, 2008 8:08 AM ()


My daughter has had spray-on before. I have never noticed it looking bad when it began to fade.
comment by redimpala on Apr 8, 2008 7:56 PM ()
Wonderfully written and I couldn't agree more!
comment by greeneyedgemini on Apr 7, 2008 8:34 AM ()

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