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Politics & Legal > Impalin' with Palin

Impalin' with Palin

I really am NOT into politics. I'm a very late bloomer in regard to learning about the candidates who are seeking the presidency and vice presidency in the upcoming election. The following are only my opinions and as I said, I know not much about politics whatsoever, so if you do comment, I'd appreciate my lack of expertise to be taken into consideration before you impale me....

Sarah Palin speaks in her debates and rallies as if everyone in earshot is in elementary school. She says catch phrases and becomes enthusiastic, yet has no substance in what she is saying. She's the kind of person that if she were your elementary school child's teacher, you'd be in the office straight away demanding your child be put in a new classroom. Being pleasant, calm and non-committal, does not make you a good speaker. It does not make you a good candidate for Vice President. I think it makes you a good seat-filler; a good "yes" man (woman).

To select someone for the presidency is a difficult enough task on its own. You don't want someone who can't answer any questions that might arise, someone who truly doesn't know the needs of the country or the history that brought the country to where it currently stands, someone who will gaze in a zombie-like state if a crisis breaks out, someone who thinks attacking anyone who doesn't agree with them should be annihilated, or someone who is so charismatic that you don't pay attention to what they're saying and doing.......

For the vice presidency, you need someone who can fill the shoes of the person you've elected. So this person needs to be sort of a "Mini Me" of the President. It would be a travesty to have something that would incapacitate the president occur, thus bringing the vice president to fill the position, only to find the VP is lost as a goose in the fog.

Sadly, I can imagine it now.....

Sarah Palin stands behind the podium, slightly smiling, addressing the masses about the passing of John McCain, the President of the United States.

"It's truly a sad day for our country, losing John McCain. (sniffle) But I know that up there, in Heaven, he's being a maverick. Mavericking around, pointin' out the bad guys and smilin' at Jesus. He's a lookin' down here at all of us right now, sayin', 'Go get 'em! Stop those terrorists! ("thoughtful" pause) Yes, it's a sad time for all of us Americans (pause), but us Alaskans will continue our dream to be the provider of oil to you all here, and to rise above the shackles of the union, becomin' free from these beautiful United States!!"

Oh boy. Can you imagine?

Lost as a goose in the fog. She can do photo ops. She can talk about what she thinks is "normalcy" for family living, but let's be oh so honest here: She really and truly, has no knowlege about anything that is required to be a president. She'll have advisors, yes. She'll have to absolutely assume the position & be the puppet to all of those who actually know what they're doing (and that's only if she'll pay them any attention!).

"President Palin, what should we do about our troops?"

"Give 'em more ammo! Yuh know, I can't spell or pronounce the leaders' names over there......keep the war a goin'! I know what John McCain would do, God bless him. I'm walkin' in his shoes....(pause) I've got a hankerin' for a mooseburger." *wink* "Thanks fer askin'!"

Impalin' with Palin.....that's what we'll do if we vote her in as Vice President! We'll impale ourselves right in the stomachs & pray for a very quick death. We don't need a winking, pattycaking, under qualified Vice President (or President!). I don't care if we have a woman fill the position or not, but it would be much more to our benefit if the candidate was more like Margaret Thatcher in thought and application! ~d

posted on Oct 14, 2008 12:10 AM ()


I'm voting "Obama", not because he's the best, because he is best of what we have to choose from. Biden, I like ALOT. I would actually like to see him President someday. The thought of Palin in office (despite how hot looking she is to me), gives me cringes. She's just a young rich bioutch who knows nothing about politics. McCain.. I feel is a decent guy. Far too old, and distant from the average American to be President. Anyway, doesn't matter how you vote.. so long as you vote "Democrat"!!
comment by coincutter on Oct 15, 2008 9:44 AM ()
Funny how the mind sometimes descriminates on nothing but emotion. Fact is you just don't like Palin some reason that has nothing to do with objectivity. Take your second paragraph for example. Every word in it could just as easily be applied to Obama. Go figure.
comment by think141 on Oct 14, 2008 3:56 PM ()
You might be a late-comer to the political scene, but you're a fast learner!
And the number-crunchers say that considering McSame's age and health record, Palin would have a 1 in 3 chance of ascending to the Oval Office.
comment by jjoohhnn on Oct 14, 2008 6:25 AM ()

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