Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Worried


I'm pretty worried about "Paul" really. This is a man who "totally promotes GOD", His whole booth is based on it. He gives to the churches (when he is starving basically). He just "goes out of his way" to help people.. when, the one who really needs help is him.

Paul and his wife "Don't get along". Salt and Pepper. She owns the trailer he lives in, and in a few weeks he will be homeless. In my opinion (and I stayed there and met her).. she's a "cun't". Paul to me is a "Great Guy, but in a bad situation". Gonna help him all I can. He'll be away from the "Bitch soon". Best for both of them.

So.. How do "I" sort this personally? I know what he thinks.. and some of his "ideas" aren't what I think. I've lived this way (he is just starting) my entire life. I think I'll just "sit back", watch what he does. Give opinions. Plus be there to "HELP" when/if he fails. To me, he needs to learn from experience.

Paul is a "smart man". I won't say he isn't. But he "misses" alot (show wise). I know he wants to fly his own direction", but I also know what won't work. I guess.. just let him try his own ideas. Go from there.

Paul won't be homeless. He has other plans, But I'd bet my ass he will be living "here" awhile. I hope he does, cause we will charge nothing. He can save some money, and build his future.

Paul owes us money. Well at the show "he tried to pay". I knew.. he was struggling. He so tried to pay, without enough gas to get home. That's how he is. I was just like "Keep it for awhile", pay after a good show or something.

Every show we do. I buy "extra" food for the cooler. He almost never eats anything. Now he is a big fat guy. I know he wants to eat, but he won't eat our food (feels putting us out). I brought it for a reason.

I guess good. We have gone into long conversations about both "My drinking, and his eating". We both need to cut down.

Paul doesn't know. I "WILL" do anything and everything to help him. He met me a few months ago. What he doesn't know yet.. is "I" will be the best friend he ever had. If Paul needs something.. I'll be there. I'm watching his back. In a very close way!

Good Night..
Gary :)

Last show. He said he had his "part" of the fee. He didn't.

posted on Aug 24, 2009 8:40 PM ()

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