It's that time again. The time I decide "where" I am going to work this weekend.
I want to go up north to Bay City. That's like an hour and a half away. Danny and Jim want me to go way up north to Traverse City (which is 4 hours away). Roxann wants me to do something local.
We don't have insurance on my van right now. So basically we just been taking her car. Actually, her car has no insurance either.. but you can't really see the "plate".. so we don't worry as much on that. Anyway.. she wants to be in town for this "baby" thing going on.
I know I won't go to Traverse City. I know there is nothing really good going on in Flint right now. Bay City is the most logical place I know of. I wouldn't make much there.. I'd expect to make only like 3-$400 for the weekend. I know on another post everyone said "do the flea market". To be honest, they really aren't that good. The reason is, everyone comes in looking for some great "deal". When you have an art or a hand made craft, you really can't be marking your price down far.
I guess if she has money (which I think she does, she just walked in with a ton of groceries) I could take the weekend off. I could sit in one of two Flint flea markets. Just seems like a waste of time to me. There, I have done so bad that I haven't made the fee. Of course I have had a $300 day too. So.. ya never know really.
Other news... I forgot I had the UK version of "MSN explorer" in this computer. I used to go to the "European chats" quite alot, and had a great time. Yes I know you can on any browser, but with this it's all like right there. The chats are all "European", the news, everything. You feel like your living right there.
Anyway, I went last night.. and I somehow really pissed someone off. Now generally, when I piss someone off I know exactly what I said or did to make them pissed. What gets me this time is.. I have no idea what I said or did. I think that particular person just don't like Americans. I really was being nice. I like talking to people in other countries and such. I used to have a police officer friend named "Audrey" In Scotland. We talked all the time. LOL.. you guys should see what I talked her into doing on the web cam.. lol. Sorry.. that just popped into my head (man those were the days.. lol). Audrey and I became very close.. even though we were an ocean away. Christmas one year, she even sent 3 huge boxes of stuff from Scotland for me and my kids. I wish I knew how to contact her still.. she was cool.
Back to the point. Ok, so there I was being good (believe it or not, I was).. and this UK Bioutch in the chat is all in my face and chit. Well, I am one that can "dish it out" if I want.. and believe me I did.. lol. Didn't take long before the whole room was "divided" over who they liked. Some backed me, most backed her (because she was a regular). I just know she started the crap. Pretty soon, everyone left the room. I was the last one standing.. lol.
Serious.. I hate when something like that happens. I don't provoke anything unless provoked first. I do plan to keep going to UK chats (seeing how none of you do the MyBloggers chat thing.. which I find sad). I may have to find another one though. I am certain I was reported, because several said I was. Funny... I never got booted. If anyone was listening (with booting power) they would have seen where the problem really was.
I'm out... take care all.
gary :)