Don't be "Stupid"!
Your a MAN! You want "Sex"!! What you don't understand, is they want it too!!
They do however, kinda want you to "say it right" or wrong. Nothing in the middle really.
Oh chit.. how can I explain this. I'll try...
You can "either" be the "bad boy" or the "good boy". Don't attempt to be anything between. It means "masturbation for you".
If your the "Bad Boy", she's gonna wan't "WILD" sex! They just do. Women are just as "horney" as men. They only hide it better. Bad boys make great toys!
You could be the "good guy". You'll get laid. That one will "PUSH" you to the "Pulpit". Good guys NEVER win.
If you just wan't that "dirty sex" you dream about. Smack down, Pussy in your face. DO NOT be a "nice guy". If you want a marriage or something (I'd suggest against), playing the nice boy makes it happen. She will force ya...
See, women are just like you. Just, alot more "crazy". More devious. I don't "care" how "Logical" she seems in the head. If she has "estrogen", she's a fucking nut job"!
All I can say guys.. "Don't be stupid"..
Gary :)