Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Pissed or Concerned?

Pissed or Concerned?

I'm pissed at Roxann's son Stephen. Not really so much "pissed" rather "concerned".

I guess I am both "pissed and concerned" at the same time.

I AM pissed. Simple things he is asked (do the dishes) or whatever, he totally ignores. He'll sit and play the "Wii" or the DS.. and just like.. he doesn't give a fuck. Only time he does is when "I" come down hard.

I want to leave this to his mom. I am the "somewhat stepdad" afterall. She yells at him alot. Most always "ignored". The only time he gets his "ass in gear" is when I push it my way. Even then.. usually half ass.

Today, his mom went to the teachers. He is "failing" 4 classes. He's been lying. Now he has already been "held back", has dozens of failing grades. He's fucking 17.. and in 11th grade. If somebody doesn't get on his ass.. He's stuck in the "Burger King" for life.

Out of anyone you know.. I did more chit at that age. Totaled cars, daily pot smoker. BUT.. I still had to listen. Clean up, do dishes, and if I had bad grades my ass was grass.

Stephen doesn't do all I did. Rather, he does pretty much NOTHING (cept play video games). I am very "concerned". I don't expect he will graduate, don't expect he will do anything in life. He has no skills.. and is pretty much a "lazy dufus" to me. Even his friends and family say that. He really doesn't have friends. Maybe I am "too harsh".. but I try so much not to be. I only say things "periodically".

I got in his "face" tonight. I was "pissed" about the grades, and the lying. I went on a "ti raid". He had friends staying the night and all.

Friends here, of course he wanted to seem cool. Gary, you can't do ANYTHING to me.. you'll go to jail. Gary response.. "Guess what fucker", I been to jail, and I really couldn't care less if I go again. If I go again, promise I will make it "meaningful to me". Get your ASS off that "video game" and start cleaning up here! Roxann.. I promise if you don't get your kids "cleaning", and doing schoolwork.. I am fucking "Gone"! I basically played a "hard edge" and meant everything I said. In front of her kids, her friends parents.. everyone. I say nothing I don't mean.

Soon everyone was "cleaning the house". Wonder how long that will last. Probably till the next time I get pissed again. If I just said it to be a "dick", I'd do it all the time. I don't. I am SUPER concerned. Just feel this is a "lost cause".


posted on Oct 5, 2009 10:26 PM ()

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