Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Movie Site

Movie Site

(Link posted bottom of this post)

I found a good site to view "Movies" on your computer today. Yes from time to time I have visited sites like this, alot I was very un-happy with. No-full screen, low quality video, old movies. Just saying, until now I haven't found one I was happy with.

I did today (last night actually). I found a site, that you can see "streaming video" on your PC.. full screen.. with almost "zero" lag (provided you have DSL or Cable connection). What makes it cool is this.. these are not some "OLD" crappy movies you don't care about. They have all the "New" ones (Current releases, as well as some still in theaters). I highly question the "legality" of this, but hey if there is a problem the "site" will have it before me.. lol. I will just enjoy while it's up..

The only problems I've seen are this... The video looks great (full screen), but not 100%. In other words, it won't be as clear as if you put a DVD in your "computer or DVD" player". It still looks good though. 2nd.. if your connection lags, so will the movie. I found that very rare.. except when we tried to both (me and Roxi) run seperate movies same time(as we are both connected to the same DSL).

Today I watched:
1) The new "Mummy" movie (the one that was in theaters recent)
2) "Semi-Pro".. a "Will Farell" movie, that was actually partially filmed in our area "Flint Michigan".
3) The Incredible Hulk. The new one, that was in theaters not long ago (Beginning of summer I think).
4) Harold & Kumar - Escape from Guntamano (however ya spell) Bay. I have to admit... that was a "funny movie to me"! Not for kids though.. lots of nudity and chit (right up my alley.. lol).
5) Hancock.. The "Will Smith" Super Hero movie

I am going to give you the link in a minute.. serious, you can see "hundreds" of movies here. From the "newest, to some older classics. I looked through today, and picked some I want to see. I checked all.. they are there. I can watch (free) when I want. So can you. Here are the next ones I want to see.. Most are semi-current...

1) Don't mess with the Zohan (Adam Sandler)
2) Love Guru (Mike Meyers)
3) Get Smart
4) Hellboy 2
5) What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas
6) Baby Mamma (kinda wanna see.. cause I'm a new dad.. lol)
7) War of Worlds 2
8) Super Hero Movie
9) Blonde -n- Blonder
10) Jackass 2.5
11) Blue Coller Comedy
12) Spring Break 24/7
13) Return of Ghost Busters
14) Scorpion King 2

Ok.. this is now an all "inclusive list". It's basically a list of some movies there, that I do want to see. All FREE, all FULL SCREEN..

I just wanted to give you an idea what you can watch.. if you want online...

The direct link (to the movie part of the site is:)

Start there, and look through "Generes" (Like comedy or whatever), New releases, things like that. There are thousands...

Coincutter don't say it's "cool" if it's not. It's "COOL"..

:) Gary

posted on Sept 8, 2008 9:41 PM ()


Arrgh Matey...You really arrre a Pirate. Two thumbs waaaay up!
comment by draco on Sept 11, 2008 12:21 AM ()
Wow! That does sound cool! I will have to check it out. Thanks for the link, Gary.
comment by redimpala on Sept 9, 2008 1:46 AM ()
PS I forgot to say.. you "don't have to sign up" to see movies. Alos look through things.. there is more here then you think
comment by coincutter on Sept 8, 2008 9:47 PM ()

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