Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

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Lots of people think in different ways.

Personally, all I try to do is say how I feel.

Incredible hard really.. Do you know how many "different" types there are in the world? Millions probably! So talking to anyone is "difficult".

I can "only" speak for me I guess.

I can only say what "I am about" Personally.

1) I am a HUGE gun supporter. Everyone needs the "right" to protect themselves. "80 year olds, living in the country need something. If they don't have it, they are walking victims.

2) I studied the "Bible" like 8 years or so. Yep I believe in Jesus, and I believe in helping others. I'll help anyone with anything, but the chances of me "walking into their church" are pretty much nill.

3) Porn.. Not really against it. God pretty much made men like "women", women like men. What I am against is "un-wanted kids" cheating.. and pretty much all others see bad. When Roxann's son turns 18 (this year), I'll buy him a Playboy. Ok to be curious,, just when he gets a girl.. want him to be wise.

4) Dishonest people. I so hate them. Trust me,, if I think your a "dick", I'll say it. I don't "pussy foot" about anything. Love or hate it., I don't care. I am "very direct and honest".

I "am what I am". Love it, or leave it. No real chance of me changing. Just know this.. if anyone will be honest (what they think).. would be me. I avoid "confrontation" alot.. but ask me ANYTHING direct, you'll get a direct answer.

LOTS to how I think.. maybe should write it more....


posted on Sept 22, 2009 12:24 AM ()

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