Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Already in My Head

Already in My Head

It's already in my head. I am "Determined" to meet "Draco" (from here) in person. The biggest problem would be.. he lives in "Oregon", I live in Michigan.

I've ruled out doing it this year. Next summer, I will. Paul doesn't know.. but he will be going there too. He's the one with the "camper" afterall. Hell, he just started shows. I've done them all my life. To him, he wants to do some "traveling". Me, I kinda gave it up. But if I have an "incentive", I will travel again.

Never been to "Oregon". So I will "push" this with Paul. Trust me, if I "push an issue" it will happen. I've done shows in dozens of states. Just nothing really the "west" side of the "Mississippi River". I kinda want to do this, just to meet "Draco". But also, to see the area there. And of course, we WILL want to make money.

I am "confident", if Draco can send me some "info" on shows he feels good there, I can get a good spot. Actually, I pretty much know I can get a "top" location. Once they see my website (the work), once they know how far I am willing to travel. I know we'll make money. Since I decided, not gonna do this till next summer. Lots of time to "sort" all the issues.

We have the "TOP" location in the event we are doing this weekend. We did the show last year, last minute thing. Made money.. not a great location. I think we called the day the show started last year, so spots were gone. I really wanted to do this show in "Midland" (get's 100,000) people or so. Roxann wanted to do this "Apple Orchard/winery" that's close to home. I said to her, I think the Midland thing will be better. Much farther away. But the "Orchard" gets a TON of people too. It's a big event. If we could get a "top" location, I'd rather do the "Orchard". If not, I don't want to be there. So today, she drove there to talk to them.

She did "awesome"!!! She was able to pick from all the "top spots" in the event. She's been around this awhile now, and is perceptive. She talked our way into the top spot. I remember the event.. and what she got us, would be what I would try for myself. We will do well this weekend, I have no doubts.
Being "outright" kinda makes ya look bad. But then again, it doesn't too. I avoided that many years. Now, I am "super open" with promoters. I am "like".. I like your event.. looks good to me. Done this all my life, and got 5 kids to support. 24 years myself actually as a living, plus grew up with it. So really, I have 37 years experience. I "WANT" to do your show.. I really do!! But I NEED a top location! Hell, give me some "fliers" or something. I know the "top vendors" in the state, and I can bring them in. The ones with "unique" items (working on the spot).. the top artists. I'll do that.. Just "promise" me a TOP location All I ask. Almost always works.
I don't "Pussyfoot" around anymore. I WILL make sure, most every event I do.. I pick my "location". If I want to do an event, don't get it. I'll find a "bar owner" OR something in the city. Set up on his property.. get something even better. My point is... moving me up. To do what I need to do. I'll be "very" outright. I'll help their event too.
Taking a "guess here". Most every event I do, I will get a top location. I am there to make money. I don't give a flying crap about "flea Market" shit. Everyone has that, and brings nobody to a show. Artists working on the products do. Those, I can bring in. I personally "know" the top around.
Last show I did. The "promoter" took a liking to me. Well, we got into it last minute. Actually, we drove up the day of the show. I was like.. well we don't have the fee (Roxann had some problems with her bank account). I said, I'll make money. Promise, but give me a few hours. So, I rode around with him a few hours in golf cart. Talking, looking over spots. He promotes a HUGE event, maybe 200 vendors he said. Not much was left for me. Crappy spot I got, but he said, if anyone leaves.. just go take it. I did, moved twice.
Towards the end, I got the "best location" in the event. Just is was pretty much "done" then. He even suggested I move there. I knew like a dozen vendors there,,, said "Help me move. They did.
Well he gave me an "awesome" deal on the space. Wants to see me back. He mentioned "he'd like a coin cut" for his daughter. Didn't see him before he left. So I looked on the "internet" and called him once home. Tell me how to spell her name, I'll make it cool and send it. You don't have to do that Gary,, No problem to me.. "How is her name spelt"? Jayde... well I could put a heart or something on it. Yeah, that would be cool.. she would love it. Ok, I'll do it at the next show, and send. All I know is, DON'T let the "promoters" interject too long. Cut them off.. Most "promoters" do this once or twice a year. I do every week.
---------------------------------------------------------Next year, I will have the "TOP PRIME" location. Already promised that. Well over "100,000" attend this event. I'll pick where I wanna be. I'll promote his show too. Will work for both. Actually. given my experience.. if he wanted.. I'd help alot. I live close.. just would for fun. Not money.. well kinda money, I get where I wanna be,, He has no experience setting up shows, but did great. I just think I know more. Love to drink a few "beers" with him and talk.

Gary :)

posted on Sept 22, 2009 6:19 PM ()

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