Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Jesus


I'm going to "try" to touch ALOT of subject areas here. In a short blog. Please try to bear with me.

This blog is about "Jesus". My personal "Lord and Savior".

Now many of you know, I did study the Bible for 8 years intense. I even created a Biblical program that was used all over as a teaching tool in churches.

You may have also noticed. I have complete separated myself from most churches. There are "reasons".. big ones to me.

I got nothing against the churches. Just I see "MOST" saying it wrong. I see most "taking people from God", rather then bringing them in.

I'll try to explain....

When "Jesus" went to the cross (and he did willing), he died for every sin we will do. "Past, present, and future". He didn't just take "your sins" away.. he took the "worlds sins away".

You must be "Born Again". That's Biblical. But do you know what it means "REALLY"? It doesn't mean what most churches say. It doesn't mean "Give up all you do wrong, and Jesus will accept you". That's like putting the "cart before the horse". It means: "Ask Jesus into your heart.. and he will come help you". He will make you "desire" to do better. You are saved the second you ask him in. Even before.. if you weren't proven he was real.

So many are "AFRAID" to hear of Jesus. They think he is out to "Fry them". He isn't. He came to "save the world", not fry us.

So people that don't believe often ask me. So am I going to Hell because I don't believe? Are babies that haven't been Baptized going to hell because they aren't born again? What about those in "Nigeria" or something? This is where "MOST" churches have things wrong.

All those are covered by what "JESUS" did on the cross. Jesus will come to people. Prove his reality. If he doesn't, your already covered. If Jesus doesn't come in and prove his "reality", your covered. If he does, and you don't want him there.. he won't force nothing on you. If you are proved he is "real" and don't want him there. He won't. All men have free will.

Are you that "vein"? Do you think a "baby" is going to purgatory because his parents didn't Baptize? Or a Nigerian is, cause they never heard of "Christ". God is a bit bigger then that.

People get scared of "Jesus" cause they sin. Guess what, we all sin! Jesus knows this. "All men sin, and fall short of the glory of God" (Bible Quote). Don't let your faults turn you against "Jesus". He is only here to help.

All I have to say.. Don't leave God (Jesus) out of your life. Would be a mistake..


posted on Aug 25, 2009 11:19 PM ()

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