The Blogs I write, are always what I feel. Do you have "any" idea.. how often I am asked to "not write" about a particular subject?
I promise one thing. If I write here, it's truth and from my heart. I don't give a "flying fuck" if it pisses anyone off. I'll try to make you understand my thoughts.. but if you don't.. "SO WHAT".
Life and Blogs are pretty much the same to me. I've NEVER EVER catered to anyone. I do consider myself one of the most "helpful" around. If I pass a homeless dude on the road.. I'll shoot him some money. I don't care what he uses it for (drugs, alcohol, or food). I'll give, he decides what to do with it. I sure as hell wouldn't pass someone in need.. and "ignore" because I am worried what they will do with the money.
I just "don't care". Kinda, but really I do care. The thing is.. I won't have time to sort their "drug addiction" or whatever. I'll talk to them if I have the time, usually I don't.
I'M out. I'll eloboorate later.