The startup screen of "IMAGE PRO 2"
(It's called 2, because I made an "Image Pro" program back in the DOS days.

Just a pic off my "Harddrive". Showing that the "Image Pro program" actually works. That's my mall display in the background.
I've been working on yet "another" program in "Visual Basic 6.0". This one is a "Super fast" Image viewing program. As you may notice from the "pics", I am getting "better and better", and faster and faster at writing these things.
So far, this program does what it is intended to do. That basically is, "load a picture" from your hard drive, and display it quickly. Arrow keys allow you to view all files in a directory very fast.
Lots to go on this one. I want to add "zooming" features, image altering features.. alot really. So for now, it's basic. I will make this program (and the other 3 I am working on) avaliable for download "free" sometime in the future.
Other News,
Yes, we did the show in Lansing mall. Center court. Actually it was "me" and 3 mall promoters. None did well.. it's the economy. We all made some money, but way below what we wanted.
So we (three of us) went to "Uncle Bucks" after work. It's like a "pole dance/beer drink" place. The women aren't naked, they wear "bikkini's" or "tassels", but do the lap dances, and pole dancing. I never get a lap dance. Danny often offers to pay for it if I want. Actually... I am just there to drink beer, play pool, and get a buzz. So none of that is important. Plus, if you want to know the truth... that would "embaress" me getting a lap dance with every one watching.. lol.
Anyway, the reason I even mentioned it is this: "The place was "dead"! Here it was, Saturday night..and nobody was even there. There were like 10 - 12 dancers, like 6 - 8 other workers.. and like maybe 10 regular customers. It really showed us the "state" of the "ecomony".. People aren't even spending money there. Hell we didn't spend much either. We had 2 pitures, and then left.
Not sure what show I will do this week. I figure I'll do 3 or 4 more shows, then open a "permant" place for Christmas. I have 4 vendors (with high quality) stuff to put in with me. I'll sell my stuff, their stuff.. and get a commision. I'll also put things in their stores. I'll let you know more later, as I am still not sure the details, or where I will be. Getting a spot somewhere, and others inventory won't be a problem though.
Later all,