Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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Life & Events > Changeres (New Changes)

Changeres (New Changes)

I made some more changes on my "ChangeRes" program. I am very pleased with this project.

I'll be "short here", but I want you to know some "basic goals". One, to be the "fastest" at what it does. I think it is! I've tried many. Two, I want to "Super simple to use". I don't want "users" to have to push a "ton of buttons" to basically confirm they need to change the screen. I am certain, I accomplished that. Three, I want "All errors" to be exposed. That, I haven't done complete. Too many things that could happen.. and trust me.. could with any programmer. Alot to that... so for now, I have listed what I think "is possible" to happen. I believe the TOP 4 screen resolutions are solid though.

Ok.. spent hours working on this today. The pic will reflect some changes. Future versions will look (and act) better and better.

For now, I gotta load my display. I am doing the mall in Lansing again, so like it packed at night (I hate waking up early. Thats all I'll write for now..

Laterz, gary

posted on Oct 3, 2008 5:26 PM ()


I have to admit.. I did run into a "problem" with this program today. After I wrote the "above" blog, and after "More testing"..... See, I knew the last "3" really high resolutions could cause problems on many computers. The "average" user uses one of the top "4", I used BIG buttons above. The bottom "3" (resolutions), are very high. Not for your average "home CPU". Yes, some "Well off" peeps use those "resolutions", mainly because they have a very large display screen, and a very good "video card"..

Ok.. I made this program to "support" the "masses" so to speak. I knew there could be problems (especially on this) with the "HIGHEST" resolutions, but I also knew the main top "4" (the ones we all use, on simple home PC's) will work fine. I can pretty much "guarentee", if you have a normal computer (Something you bought at "Wal-Mart, Best Buy, or whatever (no matter how new).. this program (once released.. will be FREE) and will work perfect.

The problem is.. from my standpoint.. "It's SUPER" hard to nail down all "possible" errors that may occur. New "Video cards" come out every single day, New monitors, and new computer processors.

Have you ever had a program "crash" that was made from a "major" company? Heck, World of Warcraft won't work on my computer. I definetely have the stated system, but won't work here. It's because.. in the "programming world", there is ALOT of chit to keep up with. Even for big corporations.

I have tested my program ALOT. It is 100% ok on average user resolutions. Today.. I tried the "1792 x 1344" resolution (highest). Coding is all same to me... as far as changing the number (resolution). What is different, is some computer advanced computer functions.. that don't (and can't) support all "Video cards", because the "technology" moves too fast. For anyone. That's why your computer crashes at times.. nobody can keep up.

I had a "major" problem today. In "1792 x 1344", my computer crashed. Took me over an hour to get it back, and I know computers well. I have (maybe 3 choices).. 1) I can take out the "Resolutions" that are really for only people with (super expensive systems). 2) I can (as I have now) made smaller "buttons" and give a "stearn" warning what is possible. If they know they got a $300 video card (and monitor nice new monitor, the mode will work.) This is basically for people who want to PLAY older stuff, on newer stuff. In that senerio, it will work. 3) Just toss the "higher resolutions for now". I can add them later.. (once all is more perfected). Still.. it's a very SOLID program now.. and works completely. Just impossible to "tag" every ERROR possible in super High RES...

Give your OPINIONS... I promise, I won't release until I am certain all is "cool". Just want to know what ya think...

Gary PS, only "reply" if you understand what I am talking about.. PLEASE..
comment by coincutter on Oct 3, 2008 8:17 PM ()
PS.. I said (first sentence), it's a simple program. It is (compared to many), but it is highly technical. So.. yes SIMPLE.. but also not (I just wanted to say that (
comment by coincutter on Oct 3, 2008 5:27 PM ()

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