Yeah.. "Eyes of the Blind". I wonder what they see now...??
A blind man thinks "Blogster" will succeed. It won't (WITH NEW OWNERS). Any Business will succeed or fail on it's people. On to the supporters. Eddie founded "Blogster". He sold it. He left "Blogster" in others hands. They thought they could do better. They can't, and haven't. Eddie has a following. That's why you are here.. in "MyBloggers" reading my blog. Almost all "top" prolific writers moved to "MyBloggers". I am sure, in the end most everyone will.
I am not gonna say everything I think about "Eddie". I will say, he is one hell of a "businessman", and great guy (from what I know). To me, he is doing everything perfect. From a business level, and a personal one also. He listens to us, and cares. His "Blog site" will succeed (whatever one is the main to him). Hey, I don't know what he has planned, but I really feel he will do well. Stick by this guy. His chit far better then "MySpace'..
For those who don't know me... I kinda know alot about business, I am kinda the most erratic fluck around, but also.. I am more truthful then anyone ya know! I love most, Think Eddie cool...
Take care,