Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

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I was talking to "Paul" and read his "e-mails". Ok, he was saying "nobody made money" at the last event.

So he told me, the "food vendors" got into a huge fight with the property owner. Saying, they didn't make "rent".

Here is why I am pissed about that. For one, I know they had the "top" location there. 20K people went across their booth, and they always had lines. The amount of people that even passed their booth, was 50 times what passed ours. Plus they are food. We have a unique product, but it's not "food" everyone wants to eat. Not everyone needs a "cut coin".

Now doing shows all my life, I know they are "flat out lying". Their rent was higher then ours, but only maybe "4 times" higher. I can say for a fact.. after watching them.. after being around this forever.. they still "CLEARED" $4000-7000 for the weekend. What they want is "reduced prices" (which we all do), but I know it makes the owners not trust the others (meaning us).

I could say alot more about them. They stole my tools, lied to people... and other things. They are DICKS, and give shows a bad name.

Funny.. I went and asked them. I said "Did you happen to see my tools"? (after I helped this woman fix her car). No, no.. we never seen them. I fixed her car, she drove away. I looked all over the ground. She left, they weren't on the ground.

Later, they came to me and said. "Hey man, yes she drove away and the tools were on the ground". Liers.. lol... I already knew it wasn't true. I checked, and knew they took them. They only decided to bring them to me, because they knew I'd become an ass about the subject. The truth would come out.,,

They are like "We been doing shows 30 years". Guess fucking what, I have for 37 years. I know "exactly" what people make, I know exactly the "fee's" are. I know what "you pay", I know what I pay. If you wanna play the BS game, pick someone other then me. I PROMISE, I can fuck you over!! Already got your spot next year.

Here is the thing. They come into the show. Thinking they did this forever. Fine, do what you want. Just don't cross my line. I'll eat ya in a "heartbeat". I'll make sure this "food vendor" is out of this show forever!! Wouldn't have done "nothing" had they not stole from me.


Gary :)

posted on Sept 9, 2009 9:20 PM ()

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