Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > So Cool to Me

So Cool to Me

Ok, I been "cheating" on you all. I've been spending time on "Facebook".

Before, I never understood why so many liked it. Now I do! It's just incredible how so many of my past friends have located me. Now, we talk, chat in IM's.. all that.

Here's what I found so cool this week....

There was this girl in school. Her name is "Kim". She went to my same school "Byron" most of her life.

Kim was "positively" the "hottest looking in the school. She never talked to me, I never talked to her. Did I have the "hots" for her? "HELL YES"!! I think every guy there did. I think most guys (like me), were afraid to even talk to her.

So I am on "Facebook", and I get a "friend request". It was "Kim". When I seen that, I start thinking. Damn.. she never talked to me in school. Stuckup Bitch, so now she contacts me.

Ok.. KIM is not a "Stuckup Bitch". We've been talking in emails and such awhile now. My perception of her was wrong then. I thought she was "stuckup", high on herself or something. I know now I was wrong then. She is just a VERY shy, and sweet girl.

I asked her, "why didn't you talk to me then". She said.. last time I remember we talked, was in 7th grade. She said she talked to me by the lockers, and lunchroom (when nobody else was around). Listen, this girl graduated with me. So if 7th grade was last time we talked (and I don't remember that).. lots of years she didn't try to talk to me. I didn't try to talk to her either. She was like (to me) the "Elite of the elite" babes. I had no "confidence" then. Chances of me wanting to talk (or get a date) were like nill. I'm not the same now. Hell, I'll talk to anyone about anything. Back then, although I had great grades, I was the "Burnout" in school. I smoked pot daily (all that). I wouldn't try to talk to her, because I knew I'd be "shot down in flames". I had a rep to protect.. lol. I never tried.

I had absolutely NO problem getting girls from other schools. I could talk to them easy. Lots to this, but in Byron I didn't feel confident. Other places I was.

Anyway, I am not "flirting" with her now. I do however love talking to her. I love hearing what she thought then. I had her all wrong. She is a very "sweet sweet" girl. I think most guys had her wrong then.

She likes to "write" (she said). I wrote her a few minutes ago. I'd love to bring her to "MyBloggers". I hope she does come.

Always liked her (secretly.. lol). Like her even more now. She is going through a divorce, but I am happy in a "commmited relationship". If I was "single", I'd pull my best flirts on this one.. lol. I am not single, and not trying to cheat on Roxi.. but I still like talking to Kim.

Gary :)

posted on Sept 15, 2009 2:07 AM ()

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