Gary Ambrose II


Gary Ambrose II
Flushing, MI
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A Journey Into My Life

Life & Events > Caught Stealing.. (Stephen 17)

Caught Stealing.. (Stephen 17)

Stephen was caught stealing today. Took $30 from Roxann in her hidden place.

This is what I don't "get". Nobody else was here. The only thing I can think.. he stole it, and planned to blame it on his little brother (who was coming home, and got caught stealing alot) before. To me "Stephen stole $30, and he wanted his brother blamed.

He "admitted" to it... only because, Jeremy wasn't here yet.. and knew he was "caught".

He took $30. Spent $12 of it. His excuse, "I needed it for church". Well he only neeeded to ask.. if was a church thing. I personally know.. if it was "ONLY" a church thing.. he wouldn't have stole the money. Roxann can think whatever she wants, I know different.

Last time "Jeremy" was caught stealing from me.. he said "Gary, I only did that like 15 times" (Yeah only 15 times), and I don't steal anymore. Then I caught him again. They BOTH steal, and constant. I am SUPER PISSED about it.

So they came back from church. I make them both "sit down" on the couch. I sit "right by Jeremy". Inches from his face. I tell him.. "Things must change"! Tonight you "disrespected" your mom (told her she isn't the boss, can do anything).. didn't listen to me. And I can "PROMISE" I'll fuck you over if you don't listen! "Gary, you can't do that"! "I'll tell my dad, I'll tell everyone"!!!

My response.. "Go for it"!!!! Do you really think I give a flying rat's ass"? I'll tell "Everyone too".. I'll "punch ya in the head" if I need too. If you think "jail scares me" you would be wrong! My "goal" here is.. to get you both on track.. and I will make sure it happens.

Their response.. Humm, I think they are a little "scared" of me. They aren't scared of their mom. They listen FAR more to me then her. I want them to listen to "mom too".. they aren't even my kids. Disrespecting her complete, and me.. isn't gonna fly long. I Promise!

I'm out.. Gary :)

posted on Oct 18, 2009 9:43 PM ()

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