Every person is someone's son or daughter.
Every person has a life that is worth something.
Regardless of what that person has ever done or said.
Every person is equal in God's eyes.
No one person is better than another.
No one person is less than another.
Every person has the ability to do what is right and just.
Whether that person chooses to do what is right or wrong is entirely their responsibility.
God is no respecter of persons.
God, is, however, the One that will judge every person in the end.
No one person has the right to judge.
No one person has the right to crucify, defame, or deny another person's value.
Every person has value.
Every person has value no matter who they are.
Every person has value no matter what color, race, sex, or religion that they are.
Every person has value.
Perhaps every person would be wise to keep these things in mind before they attempt to rob another of their worth.