Debbie Reynolds


Debbie Reynolds
Mount Morris, MI
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Life & Events > An Angel Stopped by & it Was a Friend

An Angel Stopped by & it Was a Friend

I was going to write in depth today about my current personal and financial situation, but thought better of it, realizing that there are bloggers on this site that enjoy kicking another person when they are down. I decided that details are not necessary, but by the posts I have written recently and comments made the reader has a pretty good idea of where my mind has been.

I had begun that post when I looked out the window and there was my friend T. All I seen was her black hair on her back and at first glance I thought it was the new neighbor girl. I was glad to see her as it has been a few weeks since we spoke.

T and I have been friends a long time. We worked together from 1994 to 1996, when Community Industries was still open. She had a group that she supervised in work and social activities, and I was the Adult Basic Education teacher for many of the mentally and physically impaired adults that worked at the workshop.

T took me out to lunch and we chatted about stuff. We talked about how our lives are going and of course about our relationships with the guy we are with (or not really with anymore). T was kind enough to lend me a little bit of money as there is none here for the rest of the month.

R, who is no longer my significant other or boyfriend, and has I guess become a roommate, hasn't worked in two weeks and when his hours were going down, down, down over a month ago, never seen the need to apply for other jobs. It does stress me that the relationship is defunct and I have stopped sleeping with him and having anything to do with him but he refuses to move out.

But somehow, and I know it must have been God, T showed up today and helped me in small ways, by lending me some money and letting me do a couple loads of laundry at her house this evening. I am really grateful that she decided to stop by today.

The plan is to apply for jobs now, and after my doctor's appointment next month I should be cleared to go to work. I can say that the recovery from this surgery has taken six weeks easily. And the future of my home and for my daughter and I rests entirely on my shoulders.

Oh, I guess I did include some details. It doesn't matter, because any joy stealers can kick me and I won't let it get me down. I have so much to grateful for and so much to be proud of, that ugly words spoken or typed are just that. Ugly words, that show the ugliness of their speaker.

That brings to mind the Jack Black movie where he is crazy about a woman who appears to be heavy and unattractive to others but when he looks at her she is thinner and beautiful and kind. All the "beautiful" people with dark selfish hearts were ugly in appearance to Jack Black's character.

So, I come to the end of this post. Somehow I feel the weight on my shoulders is a little bit lighter. Maybe that is because a friend helped me out a little today and chided me a little for not calling and asking for help. I guess I will not be so proud to ask in the future. And I am grateful to have such supportive friends.

posted on Nov 19, 2008 7:16 PM ()


Hoping for better days ahead Debbie
comment by shesaidwhat on Nov 22, 2008 8:57 AM ()
I loved your title! I have my family and my friends here, nothing else is needed, I'm glad your friend stopped by, that is nice!
comment by sumkindabich on Nov 21, 2008 3:17 AM ()
It hurts my heart to think we have blog folks who enjoy kicking other folks when they are down. I hope I never do that. I want my teasing to be in fun and with a light heart.
comment by mzscarlett on Nov 20, 2008 6:20 PM ()
Good for you.She is an angel
comment by fredo on Nov 20, 2008 9:21 AM ()
that is so nice your friend stopped by! I know it was a welcome relief to just talk to someone who understands.
comment by elkhound on Nov 20, 2008 5:25 AM ()

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