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Life & Events > Relationships > Barbara Walters Special with Patrick Swayze

Barbara Walters Special with Patrick Swayze

I just finished watching her interview with Swayze and his wife.  I was struck by his optimism and willingness to face his cancer head on.  Swayze made the comment that we all are going to die at some point, sooner or later.  We all know that some just have a better idea when.
In the past week we have been reminded that neither the rich nor the famous remain untouched by the tragedies of life.  There are some things that we all do the same.  Put our pants on one leg at a time.  Grieve.  Fight for our life, whether it be against cancer or oppression.
I think one of the best points that Swayze made was referring to his quality of life.  It really is up to each and every individual what kind of life they want, and I am not referring to money or material wealth or prestige.  Despite our good (and bad) circumstances, we determine the level of our personal happiness, and whether we truly have joy in our life.
I have learned this firsthand, as I can honestly say that I have watched much of the past year and a half pass by without really living it.  It was my choice to do so, at least to a certain degree.  It did not help that I was living in a dysfunctional relationship, one of many that I have entered into.  I also fought the demons of depression, as I continue to do.  If you are aware of my recent move and life changes, then you will agree that situational depression is a very real thing I deal with as well.
But there really is a silver lining in every cloud.  Because of the move, I can make a clean break and take better care of myself and my daughter.  I have a healthy atmosphere and home in which to heal and make improvements to my life.  And I can be there to accompany my friend and housemate now in the same.
Out of pain and loss can come good things.  I guess they just have to be found.  Another thing that I have gleaned from today's happenings is that there is hope to be grabbed and memories to warm our hearts.  Although we may not be able to physically hold our loved one in our arms, their memories keep them alive every day.  Cancer and illness and even murder cannot take our memories away, or even diminish them.
It's not really the fact that Patrick Swayze is a celebrity that impressed me so much tonight.  It is that he is completely in tune to himself, his loved ones, and his life.  That is where the true riches are to be found.

posted on Jan 7, 2009 8:22 PM ()


yes,I did not see the whole thing but bits n pieces.
Was very surprised that he is still smoking.
That is what he chose so let it be.
He also has or coming soon on TV a new series.
Wished him luck and great out look on life.
comment by fredo on Jan 8, 2009 2:24 PM ()
Lots of good stuff in your post today. And you are correct. No matter how wealthy or how famous, we all still deal with the same basic issues in our lives.
comment by redimpala on Jan 8, 2009 6:47 AM ()
Great post. Sometimes we get in a mindset where all we see and feel is the downside, I know I do. The blessings are all around us we just have to open our eyes and see them.
comment by gapeach on Jan 8, 2009 1:57 AM ()
Yes, very inspirational.
comment by november on Jan 7, 2009 10:57 PM ()
Very inspirational post.
comment by mellowdee on Jan 7, 2009 9:41 PM ()

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