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Debbie Reynolds
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Entertainment > So Many Channels, So Little to Watch

So Many Channels, So Little to Watch

At my new residence they have Direct Tv and quite a few channels.  There are the requisite local channels, which I am very accustomed to watching as we didn't have cable or dish or direct where I last lived.  But once you xnay the pay per view channels, sports channels, selling channels, there are still many left but few with any real offerings.  Let's face it.  Modern television is full of dreck.
Then you have a handful of news networks.  One evening, no, actually less than an hour, of listening to Nancy Grace shriek on and on regarding the Caylee Anthony case was enough for me.  Today on Headline News they were discussing the case again.  They seem to repeat the same stuff over and over and take calls from viewers.  For goodness sake, you can take any piece of news and commit the heinous crime of overkill on it until you just can't stand to hear it anymore.  And I have only watched bits and pieces of news in the last 24 hours!
In the past couple of days I have found my tv watching nearly always being the local stations and I have been perfectly entertained and even informed by watching just that.  ABC had two good shows on last night and I found the interview with Patrick Swayze phenomenal.
It is no wonder that celebrities and others thrust in the spotlight alike are sick of the media and the news companies.  It is enough to make you gag.  There is nothing private in this day and age.  If you are unfortunate enough to be thrust into the spotlight via the news media then you must feel as though you are living in a fishbowl large enough for everyone to peer into.
Oh, to return to the nightly news after a half hour of your local news.  Because of technology the simpler and I think more enjoyable reading of the newspaper is going the way of the dodo.  We are even barraged on the internet, but fortunately can change sites with ease.
Honestly, "news" has become a monster in and of itself.  Thank God I can change the channel. 

posted on Jan 8, 2009 3:02 PM ()


Is that sort of like Kentucky Fried Chicken becoming KFC? I is it not really from Kentucky any more and it's not really fried chicken?!?
comment by busymichmom on Jan 12, 2009 3:11 PM ()
I find that there are so many shows now that it's hard to figure out which ones are good and worth watching. I love Dexter, but can't find it on the channels I get anymore.
comment by imaginaryfriend on Jan 8, 2009 7:25 PM ()
This is the third night in a row when there was nothing on after Nightly News that I wanted to watch. Donna has something about house-hunting on that must have been recorded before the housing crash. Last night we used our monthly allocation of instant access from Netflix. "March of the Penguins"--it turned out to be really interesting. I had no clue about the life and death of those birds even tho I watch them on "penguin cam" sometimes. Anyway, there's always mybloggers for those boring nights!
comment by jjoohhnn on Jan 8, 2009 5:53 PM ()
News become entertainment. Nancy Grace is the epitome of this phenomenon. No wonder her audience has shrunk. She has made the forthcoming trial of Casey Whatshername nearly impossible for seating a jury. Her show is full of hearsay, rumor-mongering and oversimplifications. I am really surprised that they still call it Headline News (although they recently dropped that and now call it HLN.)
comment by jondude on Jan 8, 2009 4:56 PM ()

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